Thematic Issues
Transcript Thematic Issues
Assessment of Assessments
Victor Cotruta
Executive Director REC Moldova
Meeting of the WGEMA
Geneva, 07.11.13
Analysed themes and structure of the report
Institutions involved in the assessments production
Data sources
Thematic issues & recommendations
General recommendations
Analyzed Domains
Climate Change
Air Pollution
Analyzed Domains
7 merged assessments
4 Biodiversity assessments
6 Climate Change assessments
5 Air Pollution assessments
3 Waste assessments
Structure of the report
Chapter 1 is a general chapter, describing the overall
setting for the assessment of assessments, including the
landscape of environmental assessments and their
Chapter 2 focuses on biodiversity
Chapter 3 focuses on climate change
Chapter 4 focuses on air pollution
Chapter 5 focuses on waste
Chapter 6 is a set of recommendations
National Institutions
Ministry of Environment (MoE)
State Ecological Inspection (SEI)
Environmental Information Centre
State Hydro Meteorological Service (SHS)
Environmental Quality Monitoring
Institute of Ecology and Geography
Agency ‘’Apele Moldovei’’
National Institutions – thematic offices
Biodiversity Office (;
POPs Office (;
Ozone Office (;
Biosecurity Office (;
Climate Change Office (;
Carbon Finance Office (;
Pollution Prevention Office (
International Organizations
The European Union (EU);
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE);
The European Environment Agency (EEA);
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP);
United States Agency for International Development (USAID);
United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP);
Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA);
German International Development Agency (GIZ);
Food and Agriculture Organizations (FAO)
Projects funded by international donors
Type of reports
The national assessments produced by the State
institutions are usually the result of a regular
process. The frequency of reports varies: e.g.
the Environmental Protection Report published
by the SEI is produced annually; the SoER is
published by the MoE with support from the
Institute of Ecology and Geography every four
The reports are made available as freely
downloadable pdf files, and are also
accessible to the general public as HTML
pages. Hardcopy versions, in recent
years, are produced in smaller editions –
for example the SoER (2007-2010) is
available as pdf and as a hardcopy in
limited numbers.
Sources of Data
Thematic Issues: Biodiversity
Limited number of reports dedicated to biodiversity issues;
Well developed legislation to conserve nature and stop degradation,
which is not enforced.
Good Agriculture Practices should be promoted;
The National Ecological Network should be implemented in the forest
The use of donor funds and coordination between different projects
should be improved by MoE.
Thematic Issues: Climate Change
Limited number of climate change related reports;
Little information about observed effects of climatic changes on
forests, and insufficient data;
Assessments rich in statistical data, but of limited use in relation to
policymaking and decision taking;
An enhanced process should support integrated assessments;
Role of International Organizations should be increased in providing
guidance for the development and implementation of climate change
Awareness should be raised and information should be provided to the
direct target groups: consumers, farmers, businesses and great
Thematic Issues: Air Pollution
Monitoring network for air quality considered insufficient by SHS and
Four laboratories, but only one accredited to ISO requirements;
Limited data available, as only limited number of parameters monitored
in priority areas;
No inter-sectorial cooperation for combating air pollution.
A comprehensive, integrated network for air monitoring should be
Legal frameworks should be improved;
Paper databases should be turned into electronic ones;
Technical equipment should be provided and installed.
Thematic Issues: Waste
No waste monitoring network existent;
Old standards utilized with regards to collection and processing of
information related to the types and amounts of waste;
Legal framework for waste management underdeveloped;
Financing for waste management, both at state and private level,
New standards and reporting forms should be developed;
The current statistical system of waste management, which only
partially reflects the situation of waste management by households,
should be improved.
General Recommendations
A clear scheme for cooperation and coordination of data collection
and management between relevant state institutions should be
Approximation of a national legal framework to EU acquis
communautaire should be ensured (especially for air protection and
waste management);
Integrated environmental authorizations/permits should be
Electronic databases based on a common platform principle should
be established;
Modern technologies such as Geographical Information Systems,
ARC VIEW, etc. should be applied;
An E-Governance Centre should be integrated.
Major drawbacks of the analyzed assessments arise from
Lack of data;
Old, soviet-style standards;
Inefficient use of donor funds and
Lack of coordination between relevant stakeholders.
Priority action steps:
Cooperation between state actors and the international organizations
involved in funding, monitoring and guiding national stakeholders
should be increased;
Methodologies for setting-up statistical and environmental indicators
and procedures for relevant data collection, sharing, processing and
storing should be developed and improved;
A Shared Environmental Information System should be developed.
Thank you!
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