United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

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Overview of the Background Paper and
Synthesis of Submissions
Rome, Italy
30 August to 1 September 2006
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
SBSTA 24 requested the secretariat to prepare
for the workshop a background paper on the
topics to be discussed at the workshop, with a
synthesis of relevant information in national
communications and the submissions by
Parties and accredited observers.
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Scope of the background paper
Background paper consists of 2 main parts and
2 addenda
 Part I focuses on scientific, socio-economic, technical
and methodological issues
 Part II addresses policy approaches and positive
incentives, including relevant examples from country
 Addendum 1: Synthesis of relevant information in
national communication
 Addendum 2: Part 1: Synthesis of submissions by
Parties; Part 2: Synthesis of submissions by observers
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Scope of the background paper
• Purpose: prepared for providing background information and
to facilitate discussions
• information obtained from large number of sources, including
• examples of experiences and lessons learned by countries in
literature, NCs and submissions included. Not intended as
comprehensive coverage.
• Presenting paper as separate parts allows each part to be read
and comprehended on stand alone basis
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Part I: Scientific, socio-economic, technical
and methodological issues
• Role of forests, in particular tropical forests, in global carbon cycle;
• Definitional issues, including those relating to links between deforestation
and degradation;
• data availability and quality
• Scale; rates
• Drivers of deforestation;
• Estimation of changes in C stocks and forest cover
• Uncertainties
• Scope focuses on deforestation, degradation processes included as well
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Part II: Policy approaches and positive
short- and long-term effectiveness with respect to emission reductions
the displacement of emissions
bilateral and multilateral cooperation
activities of other relevant international bodies
enhancing sustainable forest management
capacity building
financial incentives and other alternatives
• Information relates to experiences and lessons learned taken from broad
range of literature and information from websites of organizations
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Addendum I: Synthesis of relevant information contained in
national communications
Synthesizes information relevant to topics to be discussed at workshop
Information compiled and synthesized from most recent NCs
132 NAI NCs; 36 AI NCs
Information from the 6th C&S of initial NCs from NAI Parties
Information from C&S of 3rd NCs from AI Parties
Specific examples and quotes included to illustrate richness of information
and elaborate on issues. Not intended to be comprehensive and complete
coverage of all national experiences
Terms and topics covered are that as used by Parties; may not match the
terms and topics of workshop
Coverage and depth of information vary across topics
103 NAI NCs discuss deforestation trends
AI NCs discuss deforestation in context of bilateral and multilateral
cooperation, financial mechanisms and capacity building
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Addendum 2: Synthesis of relevant information in
Part 1: Synthesis of submissions by Parties.
– 21 submissions representing the views of 68 Parties
Part 2: Synthesis of submissions by accredited observers
– 4 submissions by IGOs and 13 submissions by NGOs
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Addendum 2: Synthesis of relevant information in
Part 1: Synthesis of submissions by Parties.
– attempted to provide comprehensive coverage of
information found in submissions
– priority was given to information relevant to topics for
workshop and that covered by Parts I and II of
background paper
– due to linkages between the technical aspects and the
policy aspects, structure may not follow the topics for the
workshop in all instances
– terms and terminology used in synthesis correspond with
those used in the submissions
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Addendum 2: Synthesis of relevant information in
Part 1: Synthesis of submissions by Parties.
– information organized according to two main aspects
scientific, socio-economic, technical and methodological issues
policy approaches and positive incentives
in many instances, the relevant quotes/ views from the
submissions by Parties are given to illustrate the topic
and not alter meaning of views expressed by Parties
Information on national experiences by Parties were
reproduced in whole – to provide comprehensive
information on specific experiences and lessons learned
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Addendum 2: Synthesis of relevant information in
Part 2: Synthesis of submissions by accredited observers.
– information organized according to two main aspects
scientific, socio-economic, technical and methodological issues
policy approaches and positive incentives
views by IGOs were especially reflected due to their
extensive experiences on issues related to deforestation
views from NGOs included only in the case of additional
elements not provided by Parties or IGOs
relevant quotes/ views from the submissions by observers
are given to illustrate the topic and not alter meaning of
views expressed by observers
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Concluding remarks
– Due to the length of paper and extensive coverage
of information, may not have had time to read
paper in full
– Participants are encouraged to read the background
paper carefully
– Information in paper may be also helpful for
preparations for SBSTA 25
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change