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Climate change is a change in the
statistical distribution of weather over
periods of time that range from decades to
millions of years.
 It can be a change in the average weather
or a change in the distribution of weather
events around an average (for example,
greater or fewer extreme weather events).
Climate change may be limited to a
specific region, or may occur across the
whole Earth. It can be caused by recurring,
It can be caused by recurring, often
cyclical climate patterns such as El NiñoSouthern Oscillation, or come in the form
of more singular events such as the Dust
The earth has warmed up more than 47%
over the last 100 years. These more
recent changes in climate change can't
be explained by natural causes, only by
human behaviour.
Before 100 years
Climate change is already happening
and represents one of the greatest
environmental, social and economic
threats facing the planet.
For the first time in human history, people
are changing the Earth’s climate by
emitting so-called greenhouse gases into
the atmosphere. The main cause is the
dramatic increase in the use of fossil fuels
(coal, oil and natural gas) since the
Industrial Revolution.
The Earth’s climate is always changing.
Only 20,000 years ago, much of Northern
Europe was covered in an enormous
glacier that was up to three kilometers
thick! The Alps and the Pyrenees
mountains were covered with smaller ice
caps. Sudden climate shifts happened
quite frequently during the Ice Age, and
made the ice expand or contract.
People are doing many things to try to
stop global warming. One thing people
are doing is carpooling. Carpooling is
driving with someone to a place that
you are both going to. This minimizes the
amount of greenhouse gases put into
the air by a car.
Although adults do many things to help stop global
warming, kids can do just as much. Kids can’t do
hard things like making a law, but we can do easier
things like not watching as much TV. You can listen
to your parents when they say, turn off your lights or
go play outside. Listening to them and actually trying
to help can help you, your environment, and the
Presentation by: Ariana Pelusic