Transcript Document
How to Run a Water and Energy Project
– Use this slide (and more if wanted) to introduce yourselves
The Travel Foundation
We empower travel companies to take effective, practical action towards
sustainability - enabling local people in destinations to benefit fully from tourism
and protecting the natural environment. This is achieved through:
– Raising awareness about what companies can do e.g. educating staff, customers, suppliers
– Demonstrating best practice in destinations – livelihoods, environment
– Connecting industry with government, experts & other stakeholders
– We run over 30 projects which showcase best practice for sustainability in 16 tourism
destinations around the world.
– Our work is supported by 24 industry partners.
The Travel Foundation’s donors and
fundraising partners
The Travel Foundation’s "in kind”
Reducing water and energy use –
what’s in it for you
– Helping the environment
– Recognition as being a responsible market leader
– A new client base
– Customers are becoming increasingly aware of green issues and are actively seeking to
book through companies with a strong ethical and environmental commitment
– The opportunity to forge strong working relationships with your suppliers
– Kudos! What better acclaim can you have other than taking action on
sustainable tourism issues.
Tourism and Climate Change
– There is now compelling evidence that global warming is a reality
– It will affect many tourism destinations
– Tourism contributes to climate change through transport (particularly
flights) and accommodation
– Hotels and other accommodation need to do everything they can to
minimise the environmental impact of their businesses and to reduce
carbon emissions
Water, energy and climate change
– CO2 is emitted through the burning of fossil fuels
UK: kgCO2/kWh
– Tap water also has CO2 emissions associated
with the cleaning and pumping processes.
Potential Savings
– It is generally considered possible for
businesses to reduce energy and water
consumption by 10% through behavioural
– A further 10% reduction can generally be
achieved through the introduction of low-cost
reduced consumption = reduced costs = reduced CO2 emissions
Water, waste and energy projects
Morocco: Every Drop Counts
– Working with 90 hotels and guest houses
(ryads) in Marrakesh and Essaouira in the
conservation of water
– The average ratio of litres/client has decreased
by over 20% from 397 litres/client to 316
– Participating hotels are saving on average 3000
m3 of water per month
– This is equivalent to the water consumption of a 6 person
family living in the Marrakech Medina over 30 years
– It is considered likely that these savings will
increase over time
– The project is being extended to all hotels in
Water, waste and energy projects
The Travel Foundation have been changing lives in Morocco with our
water saving project...
In Morocco, every drop counts...
Mustapha wants his children to be able to live in a country with
enough water for their needs...but Morocco’s water resources are
at a dangerously low level. Mustapha and his colleagues, at
Tikida Garden Hotel in Marrakesh, are taking action to save water
following the shortages they’ve experienced in recent
years. Mustapha is transferring the water saving skills he’s learnt
at work to his personal life, and can now wash his car with just
one bottle of water! He hopes to encourage his friends to do the
same, and save precious water resources for future generations
before it’s too late.
Hotels and riads involved in our Every Drop Counts project
in Marrakesh saved the same amount of water used by a
local family of six over 30 years, every single month.
Water, waste and energy projects
– Worked with 67 hotels to implement
water and energy saving measures
– Recorded data May-Oct 2008
compared to previous year
– Average 10% water usage reduction
saving nearly €250,000
– Energy savings of approximately
1,000,000 kWh
Water, waste and energy projects
– 75 hotels across 4 islands involved in energy and water
saving initiatives in 2009
– 16 hotels for whom full data has been received have
between them saved in excess of 1,000,000 kWh
Water, waste and energy projects
Sri Lanka:
– Embarking on a 4 year EU project: ‘Greening Sri Lanka’
in partnership with Ceylon Chamber of Commerce
– Working with 350 hotels to reduce their water and
energy consumption and their waste generation
– Estimated savings of 25,000,000 kWh per year
Monitoring and Targeting
First stage of auditing process is analysis of
Gather at least one year’s worth of consumption
data for the property
– Are bills actual or estimated?
– Take regular meter readings
Use this to build up a picture of the building’s
Highlights any problems or anomalies in
Allows the benefits of energy and water saving
measures and behaviour changes to be seen
The walkaround
Where is energy / water being consumed in
the building?
Where is energy / water being lost from the
Example of simple savings
Energy efficient light bulbs
Use 80% less energy than a tungsten bulb =
80% lower emissions
last 12 times longer = reduced maintenance
If a hotel has public areas that are lit throughout the
night with a total of fifty 60Watt tungsten bulbs this will
be using 13,140kWh p.a. This would be reduced to
2,628kWh through the use of compact fluorescent
lamps i.e. saving over 10,000kWh annually.
Multiply this figure by your cost per kWh to get annual
Further steps to simple savings...
– Details in the Travel Foundation’s booklet
and DVD: Sustainable Tourism is good for
– Going greener brings benefits for your
business, the environment and the
destination you operate in