WG1. Availability and evaluation of monitoring data

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Action FP0903
WG1. Availability and evaluation of
monitoring data
Action FP0903
Sent out in July 2010
18 replies received by beginning of October
Replies used as input to Rome conference
It’s possible to make further use of the replies
Action FP0903
Availability, accessibility, quality and comparability of monitoring data for European
forests for use in air pollution and climate change science
• A lot of data exist, but it is hard to get a good overview of what is available and
• Much is accessible, but there is room for improvement. Internet-based solutions
should be the standard
• A major challenge is how to improve access while safeguarding both IPR and also
publicly-funded data collection
• Networks set up for one purpose often provide data which are valuable for other
research communities
• Understanding of QA/QC and assessing the uncertainty is crucial. This has improved
in recent years
• Comparability of data from different sources, often obtained by different field and
laboratory methods, is a serious challenge and needs to be frequently tested
• Cross-comparison of data from different databases offers valuable opportunities for
a better exploitation of present data including validation of models and
understanding of real-world forest responses to air pollution and climate change
Clarke et al. 2011, iForest
Action FP0903
Activities for the next year:
• More detailed information on what data is
available where, file accessible from WG
web page.
Action FP0903
• Harmonisation: What possibilities exist for
harmonisation between networks? Can we harmonise
sampling protocols between networks? Is it enough to
test for comparability without using the same
methodology? Journal paper.