Earth spheres ppt

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Transcript Earth spheres ppt

Warm up activity
From the cart by the whiteboard, grab 1 bingo
card and a handful or rocks
1. do not throw rocks or leave them on the floor
2. return all materials after bingo
Scientific methods review
Take this quiz online:
It is on my links
Show Mrs. Chapel how you did
Then take this quiz:
It is on my links
Show Mrs. Chapel how you did
Earth's spheres
Earth has
These spheres can
interact with each
Spheres practice
Go to this site and play the game
Sphere interactions in this picture?
With a partner, practice describing
interactions in this scene.
Dice, Dice Baby
Materials: for each partner= 1 dice, 1 pencil, student notebooks
Directions: Clear your desks except for your notebooks. Open
to a new page for notes. Between you and your table partner
you have 1 dice and 1 pencil. Decide who will start. They get
the pencil. Mrs. Chapel will show you the next slide. When the
music starts, the person with the pencil can write. Write down
each problem and the answer completely in your notebook. Do
not just write question number and answer letters. Write
everything out! This is a matching activity, so you will also need
to be trying to match (think) while writing. While one partner is
writing, the other partner is rolling the dice. When the dice
roller gets a 6, he/she may use the pencil. Grab it from your
partner and begin to write. The partner should grab the dice
and try to roll a 6. Good luck!!!
Match the following
1. Wind blowing topsoil off a
farmer's field
2. A construction crew blasting
rock to make a tunnel through a
mountain ridge
3. Rain falling on a farm field and
making mud
4. a volcano sending ash and
gases into the air
5. wind creating waves on a lake
6. Rain falling on the crowd at
Bank of America Stadium
(a). hydrosphere and
(b) atmosphere and
(c) Geosphere and
(d) biosphere and
(e) Biosphere and
1. List at least 2 Earth sphere interactions that
result from your own daily activities.
2. The oil spill off the coast of Louisiana provides an
example of how a catastrophic event can effect the
different Earth spheres. For each example, list which
sphere was affected:
A. The oil reached land and became mixed in with the
soils and sediment along the coast.
B. Coastal ecosystems were damaged by oil.
D. The initial explosion caused gases and smoke that
made it difficult to breathe.