Transcript Quiz12_45

Date & Time:
Quiz 1 – The Pelvis
/5 Label 5 landmarks of the pelvis as indicated
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Quiz 2 – The Shoulder Girdle & Chest
/3 Label 3 landmarks of the shoulder girdle and chest as indicated
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Quiz 4 – The Powerhouse
/4 Use appropriate terminology to fill in the blanks:
Four muscle groups make up the walls of our abdominal area power house:
The fibers of _____________________________ run vertically along the front
of our torso.
The external and internal ____________________ run diagonally across the
The _______________________________ is the innermost abdominal muscle
and runs horizontally across the abdominal wall and along the midsection like a
There are two more muscular features to our powerhouse:
The ____________________ muscles basically hold our abdominal
organs inside the cavity, and the diaphragm forms the “roof” of your power
Date & Time:
Quiz 5 – Deep Pelvic Muscles
/2 Label as indicated