Effective Digital Story by - 3rd-Grade
Transcript Effective Digital Story by - 3rd-Grade
There are 28 digital stories that combine
the seven elements of a good digital story
done by Scott County
students in Kentucky.
This digital story was done by an
amazing strong fourth grader who goes
through a life change.
The main point to this digital story is that
a little girl, named Jordan, goes through a
life event when she commits herself of
being baptized.
Her view point is that she knows this
special event will change her life forever.
Jordan goes through so many feelings that
she leads the listeners to believe she may
back down from being baptized.
She keeps the audience's attention by
going through the stages that lead her to
the final steps of being baptized in her
Jordan tells her story in such a powerful
way that it leaves a person to think back
when they went through a scary event in
their life.
She makes one feel like they are there
with her and feel the need in helping her
through this major change in her life.
Jordan’s voice changes as she tells her
story from being scared to being
extremely happy.
She even uses very descriptive words to
explain her major adventure.
The music Jordan chose was done by Enya
called A Day Without Rain.
The sound of this song in the back ground
gives the whole digital story support as it
beautifies what Jordan is trying to tell
her audience.
Jordan tells her story in a timely manner
that she does not overload or bore her
She keeps her listeners interested in
what she is going to say next.
Jordan paces herself as she reads her
digital story through the microphone.
When she wants to reach her audience's
attention, her tone either goes up or down
as she moves her voice in an exciting or
frightful tone.
This is a fantastic digital story and
everyone should listen to this story.
Remember, there are 27 more student
digital stories to view at the website
located in the second slide!
Barrett, H. (2004). Digital storytelling. Retrieved October 31,
2009, from http://electronicportfolios.com/digistory/
Educase. (2007). 7 things you should know about digital
storytelling. http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ELI7021.pdf
Ohler, J. (n.d.). Art, storytelling, technology, and education. chaps.
1–3 http://www.jasonohler.com/storytelling/index.cfm
Robin, B. R. (2008). Digital storytelling: A powerful technology tool
for the 21st century classroom. Theory Into Practice, 47(3), 220–