Transcript Slide 1

Welcome to OUTGOING
Problems of the heart
Jesus! the Name high over all,
In hell or earth or sky;
Angels and men before it fall,
And devils fear and fly.
Jesus! the Name to sinners dear,
The Name to sinners giv’n;
It scatters all their guilty fear,
It turns their hell to Heav’n.
Jesus! the prisoner’s fetters breaks,
And bruises Satan’s head;
Power into strengthless souls
it speaks
And life into the dead.
O that mankind might taste and see
The riches of His grace!
The arms of love that compass me
Would all the world embrace.
Problems of the heart
Setting aside ‘problems
of the head’, what stops
us being the outgoing
people God has made
us to be?
We want to feel ok with the world
But Jesus hits a conversation like a
sack of bricks.
We want to feel ok with God
So I don’t want to get too involved with
‘the world’
We want to feel ok with ourselves
But frankly we’re spiritually dry and it
feels like a duty.
How would Paul
address our fears?
2 Corinthians 5:1-21
We want to feel ok with the world
Christ has reconciled the world. We
and the world are truly ‘ok’ in Him.
We want to feel ok with God
God is outgoing Himself – pleading,
appealing, imploring. We join Him.
We want to feel ok with ourselves
We’re most fully ourselves when we’re
engaged in mission.
You don’t really
want to be my
friend, you just
want to gain