Transcript BCvsADx

B.C. vs. A.D.
B.C.E. vs. C.E.
Before we can
understand what
happened in the past
(history) we have to
understand when it
That means
understanding our own
The current year is
However, what does
“2016” really mean?
2016 means that it is 2,015 years since some
The event that the modern calendar is based
on is the birth of Jesus Christ, calculated to
be 2,016 years ago.
So, if you were born in 2000, you were born
2,000 years after Jesus. If you were born in
1977, you were born 1,977 years after Jesus
Following the year, usually comes an
abbreviation, A.D. (2015 A.D.)
A.D. is an abbreviation for a Latin phrase,
Anno Domini, which means “In the year of our
Lord.” Which is a fancy way of saying, 2,016
years since Jesus was born.
Obviously, the world did
not just magically appear
with the birth of Jesus, a lot
happened before he
showed up.
The time before Jesus is
labeled too, as B.C., or
“Before Christ”
The year 44 B.C. (when
Julius Caesar was
assassinated) was 44 years
before the birth of Jesus
The Great Pyramid of Giza
was finished in 2540 B.C.,
2,540 years before Jesus
was born.
Jesus is the central figure, everything else is
years since he was born (AD), or before he
was born (BC).
Big Bang
13.8 Billion
3500 BC
433 BC
Bigger Dates
1 AD
1492 AD
Declaration of Man
Independence Lands on
2001 AD 2015
1776 AD
Bigger Dates
1969 AD
To figure out how long ago something
happened, you need to do some math
For things that happened in A.D., you will do
some simple subtraction.
For things that happened in B.C., you will do
some easy addition.
This is literally the only math you have to do
in this class. Seriously.
A.D. Dates: (example 1492 A.D.)
◦ Take the current year, (2016 A.D.) and SUBTRACT the
year you’re studying (1492 A.D.)
523 years ago, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
B.C. Dates: (example 2540 B.C.)
◦ Take the current year, (2016 A.D.) and ADD the year
you’re studying (2540 B.C)
4555 years ago the Great Pyramid of Giza opened
Calculate the number of years ago the
following events took place:
566 B.C. Buddha is born
44 B.C. Julius Caesar is assassinated
1215 A.D. The Magna Carta is signed
1914 A.D. World War I begins
◦ Remember, you subtract A.D. dates from this year,
and add B.C. dates to this year
As simple as this system is, not everyone wants
to refer to dates as A.D. and B.C. because they
wish to distance themselves from Christianity, or
religion in general.
For them, they agree in the way the A.D. and B.C.
works, but they don’t want Jesus involved.
So, some historians refer to A.D. as C.E.,
meaning, “Common Era” and B.C. as
“Before Common Era”
So, C.E. is interchangeable with A.D., and B.C.E.
is interchangeable with B.C.
All math is the same.