Transcript Slide 1

Donna Mojdami, PGY5
Understand myocardial energy metabolism
Examine the effects of hyperglycemia in the
post-MI state
Understand the “glucose hypothesis” and the
role for insulin
Assess some of the major trials in glycemic
management during ACS and their results
Examine the DIGAMI trials
Two major forms of cellular energy production
 Glycolysis – anaerobic process
 Byproducts are pyruvate and lactic acid
 Oxidative phosphorylation – aerobic process
 Occurs in the mitochondria
 Involves the Krebs cycle and electron transport chain
 Byproducts are CO2 and H2O
Primarily oxidative phosphorylation
Aerobic process
Takes place in the mitochondria
Utilizes the Krebs cycle and electron transport chain
Generates ATP, H2O and CO2
Myocardium uses two major substrates for
energy production:
1) Glucose
2) Free fatty acids
FFAs are the main source of acetyl-CoA under
normal conditions
FFAs support 60% of total energy demand
Ketone bodies support 27% of total energy demand
Lactate supports 12% of total energy demand
Glucose contributes <1%
Under conditions of limited O2 and perfusion
(e.g. ischemia) myocardium switches from
aerobic metabolism to glycolysis
 Anaerobic process
 Substrate is glucose from blood stream or from
glycogen stores
 Byproducts include pyruvate and lactic acid
 Requires less O2 than oxidation of FFAs
Onset of ischemia associated with very rapid loss
of intracellular K+
Shift believed to be mediated by ATP-sensitive
potassium channels
Studies in myocytes have shown glycolysis to
prevent opening of potassium channels
Maintains mitochondrial function during
ischemia and reperfusion
Prevents myocardial contracture
Improved membrane phospholipid synthesis
Hyperglycemia causes an osmotic diuresis that
reduces intravascular volume
Glucose promotes inflammation, an important
factor in the pathogenesis of ACS
 Activates transcription factors that promote
expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines
Hyperglycemia promotes coagulation
 Prolongs fibrinogen half-life, increases pro-thrombin
fragments, factor VII
- Induces myocardial
- Prevents:
- microvascular permeability
- capillary leakage
- leuk adhesion & activation
- intravascular coagulation &
Hyperglycemia is an independent predictor of
abnormal coronary vasodilation
Hyperglycemia promotes oxidative stress
 Excess glucose shifted to polyol pathway which
generates superoxide radicals
 Radicals inactivate ATP production & promote more
radical production
U.S. registry of 141,680 patients ≥65 years
presenting with ACS
Blood Glucose at
Kosiborod et al. Circulation 2005; 111:3078-86
* 74% previously
diagnosed with DM, but
DM diagnosed in minority
of cases in other groups
Hyperglycemia associated with increased in-hospital
 Relationship stronger in non-diabetics than diabetics
 Non-diabetics BG 6.1-8mmol/L 3.9 fold higher risk of mortality
 An increase in BG by 1mmol/L associated with 4% increase in
mortality over 50 months after MI Stranders et al. Arch Int Med 2004;
In non-diabetics admission BG also associated with
increased morbidity
 Reinfarction
 Hospitalizaton with heart failure
 Adverse ventricular remodelling
Not necessarily!
Admission BG is not an independent predictor of
an abnormal OGTT
In those with BG >11.1mmol/L, DM only
diagnosed in 50% and IGT in only 69%
Post MI catecholamine response occurs during first 5
days after event
Catecholamine response proportional to size of
 Faster heart rate
 Poorer Killip class
 Lower EF on discharge
Hyperglycemia may be an epiphenomenon
 Associated with larger infarction
 Associated with HF on admission
In STEMI, admission hyperglycemia
independently associated with
 Incomplete resolution of ST segment elevation
 Persistent occlusion of artery
 Reduced microvascular myocardial perfusion
 Not affected by HbA1c and previous diagnosis of DM
Acute Hyperglycemia
- 1720 subjects post AMI, 72% received PCI
Ishihara et al. Am Heart J., 2005; 150:814-20
P = NS
P = NS
- 1720 subjects post AMI, 72% received PCI
Ishihara et al. Am Heart J., 2005; 150:814-20
Persistent hyperglycemia more accurate
predictor of death
Mean glucose concentration the most practical
Relationship between mean BG and mortality
demonstrated by “J-shaped” curve
Kosiborod et al. Circulation; 2008: 1018-27
Concept that insulin may be beneficial during
AMI developed 45 years ago
Rationale involves using glucose-insulinpotassium (GIK) infusion to shift myocardial FFA
use to glucose
 Reduces myocardial O2 demand
 Reduces glycolytic generation of radicals that can
further damage myocardium
Focus of early uses of GIK on correcting relative
insulin deficiency and NOT establishing
Reduces production and uptake of FFAs by
 FFAs increases myocardial O2 requirements
 FFAs depress myocardial mechanical function
Promotes glucose as primary energy substrate
 Increases efficiency of ATP production
 Glycolytic ATP protects cell membrane, drives
transport of Ca, improves Na homeostasis
Promotes cell survival
 Anti-apoptotic effects by upregulating eNOS
 Limits effects of reperfusion injury
Anti-inflammatory effects
 CRP increase post MI blunted ~ 50% by insulin
Marfella et al. Diabetes Care 2003; 26:3129-35
Inhibits platelet aggregation
Promotes vasodilatation
Improves myocardial perfusion and coronary
flow in dose dependent manner
Objective to correct relative insulin deficiency
Providing GIK infusion
Glucose acting to prevent hypoglycemia and
acting as an alternative energy substrate
Achieving a target BG not a priority
Goal is to improve myocardial metabolism
Insulin administered to reduce elevated BG levels
to normal levels
Goal to reverse any direct adverse effects of
Meta-analysis of 9 RCTs 1965-1987
Total of 1932 patients
All studies provided GIK infusion
Most studies excluded patients with DM
Evaluated in-hospital mortality
Fath-Ordoubadi F & Beatt KJ 1997 Circulation 96:1152-1156
in-hospital mortality:
 21% placebo group vs. 16.5% GIK group
(P=0.004, OR 0.72, 95% CI 0.57-0.90)
“…GIK therapy may have an important role in
reducing in-hospital mortality after acute MI”
First studies of GIK infusion in reperfusion era
 Published in 1995
 Included only patients with DM and acute MI
DIGAMI-2 Study
 Published in 2005
 Studied 3 different management strategies in subjects
with T2DM or admission BG>11.1 with acute MI
In patients with T2DM and acute MI does
treatment with glucose-insulin infusion followed by
MDI insulin reduce mortality at 1-year compared to
standard care?
620 Subjects
Conventional CCU
care +/- insulin if
Glucose-insulin infusion
target BG 7-10mmol/L
≥ 24h until BG stable
Patient switched to MDI
T2DM = known history T2DM or admission BG >11.1 mmol/L
Primary Outcome
 Mortality at 3 months
At 3 mo P value NS
At 1 year P value =
Low cardiac
risk and not
previously on
Patients with T2DM who are immediately post MI
have improved long-term mortality when given
insulin-gluc0se infusion to a target BG followed by
MDI insulin
Are we simply seeing the benefits of better
glycemic control?
In patients with T2DM and acute MI does an
insulin-glucose regimen followed by insulin based
therapy reduce mortality more so than a glucoseinsulin infusion followed by standard care or
standard care alone?
1253 subjects with T2DM or BG >11.1mmol/L
suspected of acute MI (Q waves, ST segment
1253 Subjects
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
24h insulin-glucose
infusion then longterm
MDI insulin
24h insulin-glucose
infusion then routine
metabolic management
Routine metabolic
Glucose-insulin infusion: 80U insulin in 500mL D5W
BG targets
- decrease BG as fast as possible to 7-10mmol/L
- While on MDI, FBG 5-7 mmol/L and post prandial <10mmol/L (Group 1)
Primary outcome
 Mortality between Group 1 and Group 2
Secondary Outcomes
 Mortality between Group 2 and Group 3
 Morbidity (nonfatal reinfarction, CHF etc) between all
3 groups
Study failed to recruit target number of subjects
 Originally planned to recruit 3000 patients
 Recruitment stopped early because of slow rate
Inability to attain major difference in BG
between treatment groups
Initial decrease in BG less substantial than in
For similar glycemic control, insulin therapy is not
superior to other glycemic control options
GIK Infusion
Treat with
insulin to a BG
In their systematic review Anantharaman et al.
point out that Anantharaman, R. et al. Heart 2009; 95:697-703
 Trials with an insulin focus do not show any significant
 Trials with a glycemic focus are inconclusive
 In general these trials also have higher admission BGs
Paucity of non-diabetics in the euglycemia focus studies
 HI-5 50% non-DM
Early, substantial decreases in BG compared to control
not achieved in some studies
 In CREATE-ECLA treatment arm BG actually rose, higher at 24h
compared to treatment
 CARDINAL study showed hyperglycemia in first 24h after AMI
predicts higher mortality in non-DM
In all euglycemia focus trials treatment started >12h
from time of symptom onset
Adverse effects of hypoglycemia may be
overshadowing possible benefits
 More patients in the insulin therapy or GIK infusion
arms affected by low BGs
Both DIGAMI-2 and HI-5 both failed to recruit
sufficient number of patients
In the era of reperfusion and use of ASA, statins
and beta blockers, any benefit achieved may be
Meta-analysis of RCTs comparing GIK or insulinglucose therapy vs. standard therapy in AMI in
the reperfusion era
Zhao, Y et al. Heart 2010; 96:1622-1626
• 11 studies identified
• 8 with insulin focus, 3 with euglycemia focus
Large degree of heterogeneity between trials
Authors conclude:
 In the reperfusion era treatment with an insulinfocused strategy does not reduce mortality
 It may be possible that treatment with insulin infusion
with glycemia focus may improve mortality in AMI
Immediate administration of GIK at the first signs
of a heart attack (pre-hospital) by EMS vs.
All-cause mortality at 30 days
15,450 participants planned to be recruited
Recruitment ended July 2011
Non-diabetics and type 2 diabetics not requiring
insulin admitted for AMI
Study Arms
 Treatment: IV glulisine for ≥ 24h and duration of CCU
admission then glargine insulin, target BG 56.6mmol/L
 Control: Usual care for AMI
Primary Outcome
 24h difference in mean BG between two study groups
Data collection now complete
All patients with AMI should have their BG
checked regardless of history DM
When BG >12mmol/L, insulin-glucose infusion
should be used to maintain BG 7-10mmol/L for at
least 24h
Patients should be maintained on MDI insulin for
at least 3 mo
“ … reduction of glycemia per se, and not necessarily
the use of insulin, is associated with improved
outcomes. It remains unclear, however, whether
hyperglycemia is a marker of underlying health
status or is a mediator of complications after AMI.
Noniatrogenic hypoglycemia has also been
associated with adverse outcomes and is a predictor
of higher mortality.”
Treatment of Hyperglycemia in non-critically ill
 Pre-meal targets <7.8mmol/L
 Random BG <10mmol/L
 Reassess insulin regimen if BG <5.6mmol/L
“… our recommendations are based on clinical experience
and judgment.”
Recommend treatment of hyperglycemia when
BG > 180mg/dL (> 10mmol/L) while avoiding
Recommend treatment of hyperglycemia when
BG > 180mg/dL (> 10mmol/L) while avoiding
Cardiac metabolism is primarily oxidative
phosphorylation with FFAs as primary energy
In ischemia, glycolysis becomes primary mode of
energy metabolism
 Conserves oxygen use
 May have cardiac protective effects
Admission hyperglycemia following AMI
associated with higher mortality and major
cardiac events
 More pronounced in non-diabetic patients
 Persistent hyperglycemia better predictor of death
Interventions either have euglycemia focus or
insulin focus
In the pre-reperfusion era GIK infusion may have
had mortality benefit
In the reperfusion era
 Insulin focus trials do not show mortality benefit
 Euglycemia focus trials suggest possible benefit
 Primarily driven by DIGAMI results
Without any RCTs, most clinical guidelines
suggest treatment admission hyperglycemia in
AMI when BG > 10-12mmol/L
Emphasis on less stringent glycemic targets and
avoidance of hypoglycemia
There is a clear need for a well-designed, definitive
randomized trial of target-driven glucose control in
UA/NSTEMI patients with meaningful clinical
endpoints so that glucose treatment thresholds and
glucose targets can be determined.
-- 2011 ACCF/AHA Guidelines for the Management of
Anantharaman, R. et al. Heart 2009; 95:697-703
Goyal, A. et al. Diabetes and Vascular Disease
Research; 2008: 276
Devos, P. et al. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care
2006; 9:131-139