Powerpoint Lesson 12 "Cut Time"

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Transcript Powerpoint Lesson 12 "Cut Time"

Lesson #12 : Cut Time
(stds 2,5,6/9.1, 9.3)
All contents of this presentation:
© 2008 TB Music
Time Signatures
• As you know, time signatures tell us
exactly what is going on rhythmically in
each measure.
• To set up this thought process we say the
time signature as a fraction and add the
word “notes” to it (i.e.—“four quarter
note time”)
Rhythmic Symbols
• Are arranged in
beat groupings
according to the
time signature.
• Come in eight (8)
basic varieties
• Rests are “notes”
which must be
• A tie can lengthen a
rhythmic symbol
(note) within or
across the pulse of
the music.
Beat Unit
A beat unit is defined as:
• the rhythmic denomination
which is representative of
the pulse of the music as
delineated by the time
(OK, I’ll translate for you……..….)
A Beat Grouping is..
A unit of rhythmic symbols which is
grouped according to the pulse
denomination of the time signature. The
beat grouping can contain any variation
of subdivisions totaling the summative
length of the unit of pulse.
•i.e.--- 4/4 = a quarter note beat grouping. Thus
the description of the contents of each measure
would be “4 quarter-note time”. Of course this
means literally that there are four beats in each
measure and that the quarter note gets one beat.
Beat Groupings :
• Syllables :
Tools to describe and
decipher (figure out)
– 1e+a
– Rhythmic permutations have specific “names” or syllable
• Manurhythms :
– Visual representations of rhythms using your LEFT hand.
• Audiation :
– Hearing the music with your internal ears (in your head).
• The logic of fractions as learned in math class.
• Rhythmic common denominators.
Prerequisite thoughts:
• Having established the beat grouping definition
we literally see the time signature as 4/4 but think 4/
• Sometimes 4/QN time is communicated to us using a “C” in
the time signature.
• The 4/QN time signature sets up the hierarchy of rhythms you
are used to seeing.
• QN : is the beat unit and is represented in Manurhythms as:
Prerequisite thoughts:
When we subdivide the beat
into two sounds, in 4/QN time
this is notated using 2 eighth
notes and shown in
manurhythms as :
When we further subdivide the
beat into four sounds, in 4/QN
time this is notated using 4
sixteenth notes and shown in
manurhythms as :
•So what does this have to do with cut
4QN time to 2HN time
• We see 4/4 but think 4/ • We see 2/2, but we
Sometimes 4/QN time
think 2/ and more
is communicated to us
times than not we will
encounter this time
using a “C” in the
time signature.
signature as the
Let’s Compare:
Cut Time Subdivisions
The beat unit in this case is a half note.
The time signature is literally read “2 half note
time”. That being established let’s take a look
at the subdivisions of the beat in this time
signature :
When we subdivide the beat into two
sounds, in 2/HN time this is notated using 2
quarter notes.
When we subdivide the beat into four
sounds, in 2/HN time this is notated using 4
eighth notes.
Cut Time Beat
In cut time beat groupings will encompass
the following combinations and assume the
corresponding manurhythm/syllabic labels :
HN (1)
2QN (1 &)
4EN (1 e & a)
Cut Time Beat
• 1QN & 2 EN (1 & a)
• 2EN & 1QN (1 e &)
• etc……
(syncopated and dotted
rhythms follow the same proportions.)
Count & Play :
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.