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Welcome to Survey of
Unit 3 – Algebraic Expressions and Equations
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Miscellaneous Administrative stuff
Basic rules for simplifying expressions
Basic rules for solving equations
Applications of equations
Wrap up
Simplifying Expressions
•Using the Order of Operations
1. Simplify within Parentheses
2. Simplify Exponents
3. Multiplication and Division
4. Addition and Subtraction
“Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally”
Simplifying Expressions
•Evaluate 3(x – 5)2 + 3x – 7, x = 6
This means to substitute 6 for x anywhere x
appears in the expression
3(6 – 5)2 + 3(6) – 7
= 3(1)^2 + 3(6) – 7
= 3(1) + 3(6) – 7
Multiplication & Division
= 3 + 18 – 7
= 21 – 7
= 14
Simplifying Expressions
•Some words you must know in order to be
“Algebraically Literate”:
•Term: A part of an expression joined to another
part by addition or subtraction
3x – 2y + 5 has three terms
•Numerical Coefficient (or just coefficient) – the
number part of a variable term.
In the term 3x, 3 is the coefficient
•Factor: A part of an expression joined to another
part by multiplication:
3(x – 2) means 3 times the quantity (x – 2)…
3 and (x – 2) are both factors
Simplifying Expressions
•Example: Simplify the expression
3x + 2(x – 3) + 1
First, use the distributive property:
= 3x + 2x – 6 + 1
Second, add like terms. For terms with
variables, we add like terms by adding
•Note – like terms are terms that have exactly the same variables)
•Note: Change subtraction into the addition of a negative:
= 5x + -6 + 1
= 5x + -5
= 5x – 5
Solving Linear Equations
•Always start by simplifying both sides
•If you add, subtract, multiply or divide one
side of the equation, you must do the same
thing to the other side!
•Gather like terms to one side using
addition and subtraction rules
•Isolate x by using division or multiplication
Solving Linear Equations
•Here’s a simple example to begin with…
3x – 24 = 42
In this example, our goal is to “isolate” x
To do so, “undo” subtraction by adding 24 to both
3x – 24 + 24 = 42 + 24
3x = 66
Next, to isolate x completely, divide both sides by 3:
3x / 3 = 66 / 3
x = 22
•Now don’t forget to check!
•Check: 3(22) – 24 = 42
66 – 24 = 42
42 = 42
Solving Linear Equations
Solve 4(x – 3) + 3 = 2(x + 1) – 3
4x – 12 + 3 = 2x + 2 – 3 Simplify
4x – 9 = 2x – 1
Gather x terms
4x – 2x – 9 = 2x – 2x – 1
2x – 9 = - 1
Gather Constants
2x – 9 + 9 = -1 + 9
2x = 8
Divide by 2
2x / 2 = 8 / 2
“Isolate x”
Wrap up
• Our seminar can be found in the archives by
entering the seminar during the week… go to
“Open Seminar” and find the old seminars
• You can also access the notes and plenty of
examples by going to “Doc Sharing”
• Our three main topics were:
– Expressions
– Equations
• Have a great week everyone!