Transcript 幻灯片 1

Our Changing
Life Style:
Trends and
Teaching Plan
Ⅰ. Objectives
Ⅱ. New Words and Phrases
Ⅲ. Lead-in
Ⅳ. Cultural Notes
Ⅴ. Language Points and Sentence Explanation
Ⅵ. Assignments
Ⅰ. Objectives
After studying this text, students are expected to be able to:
1. talk about fashion in such areas as food, music, exercise,
books, language, movie, etc;
2. talk about the reasons why people like follow fashion;
3. master new words, phrases, language points, and
understand the text.
Ⅱ. New Words and Phrases
n. 1. [C] a fashion or style 时尚;时髦
There is a growing trend in the United States to exercise
regularly and eat wisely. 在美国,经常锻炼和理性饮食已开
2. [C] a general tendency or direction in the way a situation is
changing or developing 倾向;趋势;趋向
There emerges a trend towards the development of the
information industry. 现在发展信息产业已成为一种趋势。
trendy n. fashionable
n. [C] a general movement or development in a certain
direction or towards a certain condition 倾向;趋势;趋向
There is a growing tendency for people to work at home
instead of in their offices.
n. [C] a person who performs in a play or film or on television
He has made up his mind to be a good actor. 他下定决心要成
actress n.
n. 1. [C] someone who is admired for their bravery, a
particular skill or great ability 英雄;勇士
a war hero 战争英雄
The book was based on the stories of our national heroes. 这本
2. [C] the most important character in a play, poem, story, etc.
The hero of the story was a ten-year-old boy in the country. 故
事的男主人公是一位10岁的乡村小男孩。heroine n.
vi. 1. become able to be seen; come into sight 出现;呈现
New diet books appear at the rate of nearly one book a week.
2. seem; give to other people a particular idea or feeling 似乎;
To make others comfortable, you have to appear comfortable
yourself. 只有你自己看上去轻松自在,才能让别人也放松。
appearance n.
vi. say in an unhappy, dissatisfied way 抱怨;投诉
If we made more noise, our neighbor would complain about
us to the police. 如果我们制造更多噪音的话,我们的邻居
complaint n.
vt. lead to or be the cause of 导致;引起;使发生
Too much exercise can sometimes cause health problems. 运
n. 1. [C] a person, thing or event that makes something happen
原因; 起因
If your neighbors are too noisy, then you have a cause for
complaint. 如果邻居太吵,你有理由去投诉。
2. [C] a principle, aim or movement that is strongly defended
or supported 事业;目标
He is working hard for the cause of language teaching.
She devoted her whole life to the cause of female equality. 她
n. [C; U] a strong hope or wish 愿望;欲望;心愿
Teachers must consider the desires of their students. 老师必须
vt. (formal) wish or want very much(正式)渴望; 想要
The singer sang as naturally as he desired. 那个歌手在演唱
adj. 1. full of self-admiration; thinking too highly of one's
appearance, abilities, etc. 自负的;自视过高的
I don't get along well with vain people. 我和自负的人很难相
She is vain about her beauty. 她自恃容貌美丽。
2. without result; unsuccessful 徒劳的;无效的;无结果的
I felt very sorry for our vain efforts. 我们的努力白费了,为
vi. continue to live or exist, especially after coming close to
death 幸存; 活下来; 残存
Most soldiers died in the battle, but he survived. 大部分战士
vt. continue to live or exist after 比……活得长;经历……之
We all hoped that the small boat could survive the storm. 我们
survival n.
survivor n. style / in fashion
fashionable 时髦;流行
She likes buying clothes in style/ in fashion. 她喜欢买时髦服
out of date / out of fashion
not popular, not used any more 过时的;不用的
What we learn now will be out of date in the near future. 我们
Some car models go in and out of fashion. 某些车型一阵儿流
12.and the like
and something of the same kind 诸如此类;等等
On the shelf, there are apples, water melons, grapes and the
like. 架子上有苹果、西瓜、葡萄等等。
Ⅲ. Lead-in
Students are encouraged to discuss the following questions:
1.Do you think fashion is good or not?
2.Do you care about the lives of famous people?
3.Why do people like to follow the latest fashion?
4.Do you know the difference between trend
and fad? Could you please give us some
Generally, the text can be divided into three parts:
Part 1 (para.1-3)
The author gives examples as to areas in which fads exist.
Part 2 (para. 4)
The author points out that Americans enjoy following the
lives of certain people who may thus take a lead in changing
Part 3 (para.5-6)
The author tries to explain the change of fads.
Part 4 (para. 7)
The author defines the difference between trends
and fads with the example of personal computers and
certain types of computer games.
Ⅳ. Cultural Notes
1. Trends and fads exist in many areas, such as clothes,
hairstyle, food , music, exercise, books, language, etc.
Italian Food
Japanese Food
fitness center
2. Fads may be caused by the desire for money or simply by
the desire to be part of something new and creative.
3. Fads are common in a country with a strong economy.
Ⅴ. Language Points and Sentence Explanation
1. Our Changing Lifestyle: Trends and Fads
Meaning: Our lifestyle is changing all the time and
there are different trends and fads at different times.
2. It is more than just clothing and hairstyles that are
in style one year and out of date the next; it's a whole
way of living.
Meaning: Not only clothing and hairstyles, but also
whole lifestyles, are changing rapidly: they come
into fashion one year, and go out of fashion the next.
This tendency has become a whole way of living.
more than just: not just 不仅仅
Survival depends on more than just right treatment.
3. Almost nothing in modern life gets away from
the influence of fashion…
Meaning: Almost everything in modern life is
influenced by fashion…
get away from: escape from 避;逃离
Playing tennis allows me to get away from my work
The housewife has a chance to get away from home
for a while by going to the supermarket.
4. …food, music, exercise, books, language,
movies, furniture, and even names go in and out
of fashion.
Meaning: …almost anything, including food, music,
exercise, books, language, movies, furniture, and
even names, can be popular at certain times and stop
being popular at other times.
5. In the United States, even people can be "in" or
Meaning: In the United States, even people can be in
fashion or out of fashion.
6. Americans enjoy following the lives of famous
people: actors, sports heroes, well-known artists,
politicians, and the like.
Meaning: Americans enjoy learning about the
lifestyles of famous people, such as actors, sports
heroes, well-known artists, politicians and so on, and
try to lead a similar life.
7. In 1981, for example, an unknown elderly
woman "appeared" in a TV advertisement in
which she looked at a very small hamburger and
complained loudly, "Where's the beef?"
Meaning: In 1981, for example, an unknown elderly
woman was on TV in an advertisement. In this
advertisement, she looked at a very small hamburger
and, feeling dissatisfied, said loudly and angrily,
"Where's the beef?"
8. Suddenly she appeared in magazines and
newspapers, and on TV shows.
Meaning: Suddenly she became so popular that her
name appeared in magazines and newspapers, and she
was invited to take part in TV programs.
9. However, this kind of fame does not last long.
Meaning: However, these kinds of people become
well known and are widely talked about for only a
short time.
10. What causes such fads to come and go?
Meaning: Why do such fads change so quickly?
come and go: pass or disappear quickly; change
Fashions come and go, but this style has always been
People come and go, but I will never forget you.
11. Although clothing designers influence fads in
fashion because they want to make money, this
desire for money doesn't explain fads in other
areas, such as language.
Meaning: Clothing designers start new fads in the
area of fashion because they want to earn money, but
fads in other areas, such as fads in the area of
language, are not caused by people's desire to earn
make money: earn or get money 挣钱;赚钱
Don't forget this is a commercial business and we are
here to make money.
He came all the way to China just to make money.
12. For example, why have teenagers in the past
twenty-five years used—at different times—the
words groovy or awesome in conversation instead
of simply saying wonderful?
Meaning: For example, why have the young people
used the words "groovy" or "awesome" at different
periods of time in the past twenty-five years when
talking to others and not simply used "wonderful",
which has the same meaning?
13. According to an expert in popular culture,
people who follow fads are not foolish or vain…
Meaning: An expert who studies popular culture says
that people follow fashionable interests or activities
neither because they don't have good sense nor
because they think too highly of themselves…
14. …they simply want to be part of something
new and creative.
Meaning: …they simply want to take part in new and
original activities.
15. Fads are not limited to the United States,
Meaning: However, fads exist not only in the United
States, but also in other countries.
16. Fads are common in any country that has a
strong economy (e.g. Britain, Japan, and
Meaning: Fads are common in any developed
country, such as Britain, Japan, and Germany.
17. …most Americans seem to feel that
something is wrong if there isn't frequent change
in their lives.
Meaning: …it seems that for most Americans, their
lives should often change; otherwise, they feel there
is something wrong.
18. A social trend, however, survives a long time and
becomes a true part of modern culture.
Meaning: But a social trend continues to exist for a long
time and then becomes a real part of modern culture.
19. Who knows what changes in lifestyle will happen
Meaning: It is hard to tell what changes in lifestyle will
happen next.
This is a rhetorical question; a rhetorical question is
only a question in form and actually is a very strong
affirmative or negative statement. It does not require an
answer. So the above question simply means: "No one
knows what changes in lifestyle will happen next."
Ⅰ.Students are required to finish the exercises after the text.
Students are divided into 6 groups, and each group
will select two representatives to make presentations on
trends and fads in different areas.