Relations/Functions Overview

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Transcript Relations/Functions Overview

 Let A and B be any sets
• A binary relation R from A to B is a subset of AxB
• Given an ordered pair (x, y), x is related to y by R iff
(x, y) is in R.
• This is denoted
• If x is not related to y by R, we say
 The
term “binary” means that the relation is
defined for two elements. Other types of
relations, called n-ary relations, also exist. If
you want, look them up. They’re very useful
in CS
 Consider
sets A={0,1,2} and B={1,2,3}.
AxB is the set of all possible ordered
pairs from A and B
• If element x from A is related to element y from
B, we say xRy, “x is related to y”
 If x<y, which elements in AxB are in set R?
 Answer: {(0,1), (0,2), (0,3), (1,2), (1,3), (2,3)}
 Which elements are not in R?
 Answer: {(1,1), (2,1), (2,2)}
 For
any (x, y) in the real number plane
(RxR), (x, y) are in relation C iff “x2 + y2
= 1”
• This is the equation for a circle
• This relation has infinitely many solutions
because it is a subset of the cross product of two
infinitely large sets (two sets of all real numbers)
• To check the relation, test some x and y values
 (0,0) => 02 + 02 = 0 ≠ 1
 (1,0) => 12 + 02 = 1
 (2, 0) => 22 + 02 = 4 ≠ 1
Given set A and relation S:
• S is reflexive iff for all x in A, (x, x) is in S
 Informal: Each element is related to itself
• S is symmetric iff for all x and y in A, if (x, y) is in S, then (y,
x) is in S
 Informal: If any one element is related to any other element,
then the second element is related to the first
• S is transitive iff for all x, y, and z in A, if (x, y) and (y, z) are
in S, then (x, z) is in S
 Informal: If any one element is related to a second, and that
second is related to a third, then the first is related to the third
These definitions are each universal statements
• These properties can be proven true by proving that
every element x, y, and z must satisfy the property
• Prove them false by finding a counter example
S = {(0,0), (0,1), (0,3), (1,0), (1,1), (2,2), (3,0), (3,3)}
T ={(0,1), (2,3)}
W = {(0,0), (0,2), (0,3), (2,3)}
• Which properties do S, T, and W satisfy?
 S is reflexive: Each element is related to itself – (0,0)…
 S is symmetric: For every ordered pair in S, there is also a reverse pair – The
reverse of (x, x) is (x, x)!!
 S is not transitive: There is point (1,0) and point (0,3) but there is no point (1,3) –
(x, y), (y, z), but not (x, z)
 T is not reflexive: Not every point (x, x) is in T
 T is not symmetric: Not every point (x, y) has a corresponding (y, x) point
 T is transitive: It is not obvious why. Notice that there are no points (x ,y) and (y,
z) in T, so there is never an opportunity for transitivity to be false. We say that T
is vacuously transitive, meaning the property is true by default
 W is not reflexive: 1 is between 0 and 2, so is in set A on which W is a
relation. The point (1,1), among other points like (2,2), is not in W
 W is not symmetric: There is a (0,2) but not a (2,0)
 W is transitive: There is a (0,2), (2,3) and a (0,3) – these are the only points of the
form (x, y), (y, z), (x, z). There are no other (x, y), (y, z) points. It must be transitive
These properties extend readily to infinite relations like
 We
have a relation H that is not transitive,
but we want it to be transitive
• The transitive closure of H, denoted Ht, is the set
that contains H but also contains all the points
necessary to make Ht a transitive relation
• Ht satisfies the following properties
 Ht is transitive
 H is a subset of or is equal to Ht
 If S is any other transitive relation that contains H, then
it also contains Ht
= {0,1,2,3} and R = {(0,1), (1,2), (2,3)}
 What is the transitive closure of R?
• Every ordered pair in R is in Rt
• Every grouping of points (x, y) and (y, z) must
yield an (x, z) point
 (0,1) + (1,2) → (0,2)
 (1,2) + (2,3) → (1,3)
 Since (0,2) is now in Rt, (0,2) + (2,3) → (0,3)
• Rt = {(0,1), (0,2), (0,3), (1,2), (1,3), (2,3)}
 Consider
the function F from a set A to a
set B that satisfies the following two
• For every element x in A there is an element y in
B such that (x, y) is in F.
• For all elements x in A and y, z in B
 If (x, y) is in F and (x, z) is in F, then y = z
• If F is a function from A to B, we say
y = F(x) iff (x, y) is in F
 Sets
A = {2,4,6} and B = {1,3,5} are
connected by two relations R = {(2,5), (4,1),
(4,3), (6,5)} and S = “for all (x, y) in AxB, (x,
y) is in S iff
y = x + 1”
• Relation R is not a function because the x value 4
yields to separate y values 1 and 3
 In a function, according to property 2, an x value (input)
can yield only one unique y value (output)
• Relation S is not a function because there is no
element y in B such that y = 6 + 1 = 7
 Property 1 states that every element in A must yield an
element in B
 If
a function is defined from set X to set Y, we
say that the first set, X, is the domain of the
function and the second set, Y, is the range
• When you think of a function in terms of a machine,
you can visualize the domain as the set of possible
inputs and the range as the set of possible outputs
• If X is the set of all real numbers, there is no
guarantee that Y will also contain all real numbers, as
is demonstrated with the function y = x2
• The process of using a function to transform its
domain into range values is known as mapping and
consists of feeding in the inputs and recording the
 You will do a lot of relational mapping in computer science
For a function to be injective, or one-to-one, every
element in its domain must yield a unique value
• If F(x) = F(x[2]), then x = x[2]
 F(2) can’t equal F(3). An example is the function F(x)=x, because F(x[2])
can only equal x[2], so if x[2] ≠ x, F(x[2]) won’t equal F(x)
For a function to be surjective, or onto, every element in
the function’s domain must be matched with an
element from its range
• A = {1,2,3}, B = {a,b,c,d}
 F(A) = {a,b,c}
 This function is not surjective because 1 yields a, 2 yields b, 3 yields c,
but nothing yields d, which is in the range of F(x) because it is defined
over the sets A and B
• Formally, this is described as: Given sets X and Y, F(X) is onto Y iff
for every element y in Y, there exists an element x in X such that
F(x) = y
Is y= F(x) = x2 for all real numbers x
• F(x) is not injective
 (-2)2 = 22 = 4, therefore F(-2) = F(2) but -2 ≠ 2.
• F(x) is not surjective if Y (the range) is defined as all real
 The reason is straightforward: We have y = x2. However, there
is no negative real number y such that x2 = y. EX: (-1/2)2 = 1/4.
All squared real numbers are positive, so none of the negative
real values of y are matched with F(x) values
Y = G(x) = x3 is both injective and surjective
• This is true because every real number raised to the third
power has a unique value. G(-x) ≠ G(x), and it can be
easily shown that every real value of y can be yielded
from a particular value of x
For a function to be defined over the real
numbers, it must be true that for every
real value of x, there is a real value y as
the output
 Also, if a relation is graphed on a RxR
plane, it cannot be a function if a vertical
line can be drawn through the graph and
intersect two points
 Both of these properties stem from
properties 1 and 2
• Notice that a circle is not a real-number function
because it does not satisfy either property
• The second relation, however, is a real number
function because it will continue to infinity in
both directions without folding back into itself
An inverse function is a function that “undoes” another function
by mapping the range of a function back onto its domain
• In order for F(x) to have a single, all-encompassing inverse function
F-1(y), F(x) must be both injective and surjective
• An inverse function is defined as follows:
F-1(y) = x  y = F(x)
• If every range value, y, is produced by the function F(x), and no two
domain values, x, yield the same y value, then F-1(y) will yield every x
value and no two y values will yield the same x value
• Most functions do not have a single, perfect inverse function. In these
cases, the inverse relation is actually a system of inverse functions, each
defined over a set domain and range
 To obtain this set algebraically, swap the locations of all domain and range values
and solve for the range values
 EX: y = x2 → x = y2 → ±(x1/2) = y.
 Notice the ±. This means that the inverse of y = x2 is actually a system of two
functions, one having all positive and another having all negative values
 As you would expect, these systems tend to be more complicated, and are a
subject of higher mathematics
 If
S is a relation from A to B, then its
inverse S-1 is defined as follows
• S-1 = {(y, x) in BxA such that (x, y) is in S}
• In other words, (y, x) is in S-1 iff (x, y) is in
 To obtain an inverse relation, switch the x
and y values for all of the ordered pairs
• To take the inverse of a real number
graph, rotate the graph 90 degrees
 Use the horizontal line test to determine
whether a graph’s inverse is a function
Both relations are
functions, but only
relation 2 has a
inverse function.
To see this, you can
perform the
horizontal line test
Now we get to some practical applications
• A hashing function is one which takes a variety of inputs
(strings, large integers, binary data) and transforms those
inputs into a distinct numerical output
 Such functions are used to establish methods for sorting
items, encrypting data, and improving the efficiency of
storing data
 Say you need a quick way to sort a data base of students
based on social security numbers
 These numbers are very large, so it would be impractical to sort data
based on the numbers alone
 Instead, we will use the hashing function H(n) = n mod 7, where mod is
the modulo division operator defined by “n mod m = n-m*(n div m)”.
Div is an operator which returns the integer component of division
 This function yields a manageable way to sort data. However,
sometimes the function will return the same value for different n
values. This is known as a collision, and must be resolved using an
checksum function is a special class of
hash functions that is designed to avoid and
correct collision errors
• Essentially, you use a bit of programming magic to
ensure that the hash is sustainably implemented
• As a conceptual example, consider the social
security hash on the previous slide
 If all of the numbers you entered into the system yielded
the same hash value (yes this is possible), then the sort
would be totally ineffective
 To ensure redundancy, you would have to add other
parameters to the sort, like last names, birthdays, or
student IDs