Transcript 2C3

Start Of Day Activity
Morning registration mathematics activity
Aligned to the Renewed Framework for Mathematics
Stoke-on-Trent Primary Maths Team
Start Of Day Activity
10 mathematics questions per day based on the Renewed
Framework for Mathematics.
Questions 1-5 consolidate maths from the previous unit.
Questions 6-10 are based on the previous year’s coverage of
the next unit (following Block sequence A B C D E).
This will support you in pitching the learning appropriately for
the next unit and gathering evidence for APP.
SODA is NOT intended to be used during any part of the
daily mathematics lesson.
It is an ADDITIONAL resource to support the
CONSOLIDATION of learning which has taken place
Start Of Day Activity
During the registration period at the start of the day.
Pupils could record their answers in a ‘SODA’ book.
Go through the questions and discuss strategies the children
used with the pupils during registration.
Ensure that you model the correct mathematical vocabulary
and always encourage the children to use it correctly.
Use SODA as it stands or personalise the questions for your
pupils by adapting / replacing them.
Year 2, Block C, Unit 3
Questions 1 - 5 based on Year 2, Block B, Unit 3
Questions 6 -10 based on Year 1, Block D, Unit 3
Monday 1st June 2009
1. The pet shop has kittens and parrots. Altogether there are 24
legs. How many kittens and how many parrots could there be?
2. Joe says there are 2 parrots and 5 kittens. Is he right? Show
the calculations you need to complete to see if he is correct.
3. How many different answers can you find?
4. Create a list of your answers.
5. Check your answers with a friend – are there more answers?
Five children used cubes to balance one of Name
their shoes. This table shows the number Paul
of cubes required to balance each shoe.
6. Whose shoe is the heaviest?
7. Whose shoe is the second lightest?
8. Whose shoe is 7 cubes heavier than Lisa’s? Sam
9. How many fewer cubes does Ian’s shoe
balance than Craig’s shoe?
10. How many cubes have been used in total?
Year 2 Block C unit 3
Tuesday 2nd June 2009
1. I think of a number and add 12 to it. My total is
38. What is my number?
2. How can I solve this problem?
3. Write down the calculation that you would do.
4. Show me how to solve this problem using an
empty number line.
5. Write your own ‘Thinking of a number’
6. Using the correct vocabulary, (e.g. a quarter
turn / half turn / take two steps / forwards /
backwards / left / right) write instructions to get
from one place in the classroom to another.
Year 2 Block C unit 3
Wednesday 3rd June 2009
1. Round these numbers to complete the table
Nearest 10
Nearest 100
2. If you face the door and make two quarter turns,
what can you see?
3. It is half past two. What time is it forty-five minutes
Year 2 Block C unit 3
Thursday 4th June 2009
1. Starting at 3, which number is halfway around the clock face?
2. Starting at 6, which number is a quarter of the way around a
clock face?
3. Which month comes before August?
4. What month is two months after November?
5. How many days are there in 5 weeks?
6. On a clock face the long hand is pointing to the 9. The short
hand is pointing between the 1 and 2. What time is it?
7. How many months before Christmas is your birthday?
8. Paul starts school at 9.00am. He arrives at 8.42am. How
many minutes early is he?
9. What do you need to remember when you measure
10. What instrument would you use to measure the length of
Year 2 Block C unit 3
your playground?
Friday 5th June 2009
1. A pie went into the oven at 2.10pm. It will be
cooked at 3.00pm. How long will it be in the oven?
2. A TV program starts at 7.45pm. It lasts for 25
minutes. What time will it finish?
3.Three cakes cost 24p. How much will 2 cakes cost?
4. What calculations did you do?
5. Megan is 109cm tall. Sunil is 137cm tall. How much
taller is Sunil than Megan?
6. 73 – 8
7. 81 subtract 23
8. 85 – 30
9. 24 less than 46
10. Make up a question that uses the words “difference
between” and tell your partner how to do it.
Year 2 Block C unit 3
Monday 8th June 2009
1. Can a triangle have two right angles?
2. How many different shapes can you make by
placing two identical right-angled triangles edge
to edge? Draw them.
3. How do you know you have found them all?
4. Describe each shape.
5. Josie had £10. She spent £2.35. How much money
did she have left?
6. What is forty-five add 10?
7. What is the difference between 18 and 11?
8. What is left if 5 is subtracted from 22?
9. How much change do you receive from 50p if an
item costs 37p.
10. There are 18 sweets in a bowl. Eleven are eaten,
Year 2 Block C unit 3
how many are left?
Tuesday 9th June 2009
1. 20 ÷ 5
2. How many 5p biscuits can I buy for 20p?
3. Make up another problem that you need 20 ÷ 5 to
solve it.
4. Work out 205 – 198 = What strategies did you use?
5. Use ‘counting on’ to work out 75 – 69
6. Add these numbers: 1 and 7 and 4.
7. Subtract 1, 2 and 4 from 10.
8. Jake has 20p, Sam has 13p and Rita has 3p less than
Sam. How much money do all three children have?
9. Craig has 25p more than Connor who has 99p. How
much does Craig have?
10. Make up a question that uses the word increase and
tell your friend how to do it.
Year 2 Block C unit 3
Wednesday 10th June 2009
1. Which are multiples of 2?
28, 45, 30, 17, 88, 35, 40, 90, 96,
2. How do you know?
3. Which are multiples of 5?
4. Estimate the answers to these calculations:
7 + 52
167 + 86
409 – 177
5. How did you work out your estimate?
6. Write two addition questions that have 90p as an
7. What is fifty-three add ten?
8. Write the total of 45 and 50.
9. Write the sum of 37 + 23.
10. Round 16 to the nearest whole number and write
the difference.
Year 2 Block C unit 3
Thursday 11th June 2009
1. The shop is open for 6 days each week. It is open for 2
hours each day.
2. How many hours is the shop open each week?
3. Show how you work it out.
4. There are 12 stickers in a sheet. Each sticker costs 28p. I
buy a quarter of the sheet. How many stickers is this?
5. What calculation did you do?
6. I pour out 180 ml and then 270 ml from a one-litre bottle
of squash. How much is left?
7. There are four fewer girls than boys in Mr. Blakeman’s
class. There are 22 girls. How many boys are there?
8. How many children are there in Mr. Blakeman’s class?
9. How much change do you get from £1.00 if you buy two
items that cost 15p and 20p each?
10. Two packets of polos cost 60p. How much does one
packet cost?
Year 2 Block C unit 3
Friday 12th June 2009
1. Name these 2D shapes.
2. Draw a quadrilateral that has two angles that are smaller
than right angles and two that are bigger than right angles.
3. Which shapes always have four right angles.
4. Imagine two squares the same size placed so that they
touch side to side. What shape does this make?
5. All packets of
biscuits cost the
same. Amy buys
two packets for 60p. How much does one packet cost?
6. How many ways can 50p be made using only silver coins?
7. James wants to buy one apple which costs 45p. He has
15p. How much more money does he need?
8. Arnold is eight years old today. Rita is 17 years old today.
How many years older is Rita than Arnold?
9. Carol has three 5 pences, 4 two pences and one ten pence.
How much more does she need to make fifty pence?
Year 2 Block C unit 3