Flipped Classroom
Transcript Flipped Classroom
Geometry and Advanced Geometry
Remove distractions
Watch the video
Take notes
Example problems
You try problems
Write down any questions you may have.
If you did NOT watch the video…
◦ Remove yourself to the video viewing table and
start doing your homework.
In seat, ready to go when bell rings
◦ Pencil, notes out, ready to start.
SQRP time (super quick review and practice)
◦ 2-3 problems to start the day
Note check as you start working on your
Get to it…
Ask for help from me, your table mates,
another table.
When you are complete, grab and answer key
and check your answers.
Correct/get clarification on the ones you
Put a grade on it and turn it in… turning it in
means you understand the material.
There will always be extra credit available if
you are done early.
◦ Book work
◦ Worksheets filed at the back of the class
◦ Etc.
Then, repeat back to step 1!
Level 1: Direct Note-Taking
◦ Pause, Write, Listen
Focus: Transferring the notes/diagrams/images from
the lecture video to your notebook. Using these notes
as reinforcement of the material as you watch the
video in small segments, utilizing the pause button to
keep the learning self paced.
Level 2: Key Point Note-Taking
◦ Listen/Write, Pause
Focus: Transferring the most important information or
key points from the lecture video to your notebook. A
large portion of the note-taking can happen while the
lecture video is playing. Some information that is
previous knowledge may be left out of your notes as
well as additional examples or explanation if the
student feels that they have mastered the topic. The
pause button can be used if necessary to keep the
learning self paced.
Level 3: In-Line Summarizing
◦ Listen/Write
Focus: High level “in-line” note-taking is for the
advanced learner. The student will be summarizing
the lecture content while it is being delivered and
adding to those notes at the end of the lecture video if
additions are needed.
You must take notes.
If you do not watch the video (if you have not
taken notes)
◦ You must watch the video in class before starting
your class work.
◦ Remove yourself to the video viewing table.
◦ Do not wait for me to move you… just go.
Note check each day: 5 points.
◦ 2.5 points for watching in class.
Each Lesson has 1-2 ~10-15 minute videos.
I will be VERY clear what I want you to watch each
Excuses aren’t acceptable when you get to class. If
you had problems viewing the video I expect
communication from you so I can help you fix it.
◦ http://youtu.be/dcqqsNlpiZs
◦ I can share the video folder with you
You can download the videos when you have free wifi.
Allows you to watch them without wifi.
◦ Email me ([email protected])
◦ Download free Dropbox (either a program or an
◦ Follow the links
You will be redirected to YouTube
◦ All videos are there for you to view.
◦ (Carly Shellhammer or carlyshell)
◦ Subscribe…
You must grade your class work before turning it
◦ Use a pen/marker… something other than your pencil.
◦ The grade must be visible on top of your paper.
◦ You may correct anything you missed before turning in.
Ungraded class work will be assigned a grade of
I will spot check class work.
◦ If you give yourself credit for incorrect work, you will be
assigned a grade of 7/10.
Graded Class work…
◦ Just so we are on the same page. If you get 100%
on your class work and turn it in, that means you
understand it.
◦ If you do not understand it, you should keep
working until you do. I would rather something is
late with complete understanding than on time
You will be grouped together in tables of 2-3.
There will be a seating chart.
Seating will be changed as necessary.
Time in class is time on task.
◦ 1 warning then a referral.
If you need a quiet place to work, I can
arrange that for you.
You may bring music to listen to with
headphones, music is not allowed to be on a