Transcript 2221-AppendixA
Appendix A Example of a Testability
Design Checklist
Route test/control points edge connector to
enable monitoring and driving of internal board
functions and to assist in fault diagnosis.
Divide complex logic functions into smaller,
combinational logic sections.
Avoid one-shots; if used, route their signals to
the edge connector.
Avoid potentiometers and "select-on-test”
Use a single, large-edge connector to provide
input/output pins and test/control points.
Appendix A Example of a Testability
Design Checklist
Make printed board input/output signal logiccompatible to keep test equipment interface
costs low and give flexibility.
Provide adequate decoupling at the board
edge and locally at each integrated circuit.
Provide signals leaving the board with
maximum fan-out drive, or buffer them.
Buffer edge-sensitive components from the
edge connector - such as clock lines and
flip-flop outputs.
Do not tie signal outputs together.
Never exceed the logic rated fan-out; in fact,
keep it to a minimum.
Appendix A Example of a Testability
Design Checklist
Do not use high fan-out logic devices. do use
multiple fan-out devices, and keep their
outputs separate.
Keep logic depth on any board to a low level
by using edge terminated test/control points.
Single-load each signal entering the board
whenever possible.
Terminate unused logic pins with a resistive
pull-up to minimize noise pick-up.
Do not terminate logic outputs directly into
transistor bases. do use a series currentlimiting resistor.
Buffer flip-flop output signals before they
leave the board.
Appendix A Example of a Testability
Design Checklist
Use open-collector devices with pull-up
resistors to enable external override
Avoid using redundant logic to minimize
undetectable faults.
Bring outputs of cascaded counters to
higher-order counters so that they can be
tested without large counts.
Construct trees to check the parity of
selected groups of eight bits or fewer.
Avoid "wired'OR" and "wired'AND”
Appendix A Example of a Testability
Design Checklist
If you cannot, use gates from the same
integrated circuit package.
Provide some way to bypass level-changing
diodes in series with logic out-puts.
Break paths when a logic element fans out to
several places that converge later.
Use elements in the same integrated circuit
package when designing a series of inverters
or inverters following a gate function.
Standardize power-on and ground pins to avoid
test-harness multiplicity.
Appendix A Example of a Testability
Design Checklist
Bring out test points as near to digital-to-analog
conversion as possible.
Provide a means of disabling on-board clocks
so that the tester clock may be substituted.
Provide mounted switches and resistorcapacitor networks with override lines to the
edge-board connector.
Route logic drivers of lamps and displays to the
edge connector so that the tester can check for
correct operation.
Divide large printed boards into subsections
whenever possible, preferably by function.
Appendix A Example of a Testability
Design Checklist
Separate analog circuits from digital logic,
except for timing circuits.
Uniformly mount integrated circuits and clearly
identify them to make it easier to locate them.
Provide sufficient clearance around integrated
circuit sockets and direct-soldered integrated
circuits so that clips can be attached whenever
Add top-hat connector pins or mount extra
integrated circuit sockets when there are not
enough edge-board connector pins for
test/control points.
Appendix A Example of a Testability
Design Checklist
Use sockets with complex integrated circuits
and long, dynamic shift registers.
Wire feedback lines and other complex circuit
lines to an
Use jumpers that can be cut during debugging.
The jumpers can be located near the edgeboard connector.
Fix locations of power and ground lines for
uniformity among several board types.
Make the ground conductor large enough to
avoid noise problems.
Group together signal lines of particular
Clearly label all parts, pins and connectors.