Transcript Mesopotamia

Fertile Crescent- an area of fertile land between the
Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
City-state – a city within a certain region that had its own
government, laws, & policies.
Dynasty – a system of rule passed down from one
generation to another.
Cultural diffusion - the mixing of cultures.
Polytheism - belief in more than one God
Warm Up
What one thing is necessary for a city to arise?
What are the five characteristics of civilization?
River Valley Civilizations
All early river civilizations are
located in river valleys.
“Mesopotamia” means land
between rivers.
An area located between the
Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
Rivers flooded Mesopotamia at
least once a year creating fertile
soil called silt.
This area was known as “The
Fertile Crescent.”
Existed from about 3000BC-1550.
Environmental Disadvantages
The land was almost a desert
because of unpredictable floods
and little to no rain.
There were no natural barriers
for protection.
Natural resources were limited,
specifically building materials.
Problem Solving
Irrigation ditches were built to
carry water from rivers to fields.
Built city walls with mud bricks.
Traded goods with people of
mountains and deserts for raw
materials (stone, wood, metal).
 This led to cultural diffusion,
or the spread of ideas or
products from one culture to
Advanced Cities
Early Mesopotamia developed as citystates.
Each city shared the same culture but
had its own government and rulers.
City-states often fought one another.
 Ur
was most significant city-state.
Sargon of Akkad united all of the citystates and created the first empire.
The empire brought peoples, nations
or states under the control of one
Babylonian Empire
In 2000 B.C., nomadic warriors,
known as Amorites, invaded the
The Amorites took control of Sumer.
Created a capital on the Euphrates
River called Babylon.
The empire was at its strongest with
Hammurabi as leader.
Specialized Workers
Food surpluses provided the
opportunity for specialization.
 People
became artisans,
potters, weavers, jewelers,
scribes, government officials,
and priests.
Merchants would trade goods for
 This
created cultural diffusion.
Bronze Age began here
Invented the wheel, sail
and plow
Irrigation Systems
Developed number system
& first form of writingcuneiform.
Advancements in medicine,
astronomy and chemistry.
Architecture- Ziggurat
Iron Tools
Complex Institutions
Religion was polytheistic.
Believed humans were the gods
The afterlife was harsh; believed in
an underworld.
The ziggurat served as the city hall
or center of city life.
 Priests
performed rituals.
 Housed
 Was
offerings to Gods.
the bridge between heaven
and earth.
Complex Institutions
Early governments were a
theocracy was a government
run by the religious leaders.
Monarchies eventually developed,
which led to the formation of
The Assyrian Empire introduced a
large, strong military.
Record Keeping
Sumerian cities each had their own laws.
 King Hammurabi of the Babylonian Empire
unified all of the cities under one code of
law. This was known as Hammurabi’s
 The code was engraved in stones that
were placed all over empire.
 Protected women and children.
 Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth
 Cuneiform
 Government officials documented
taxes, laws and grain storage.
 Priests created a calendar.
 Merchants kept track of payments &
Wall Graffiti: Ancient Mesopotamia was
a great civilization!
Complete the Hammurabi’s Code worksheet and fill in
graphic organizer.
This will be submitted for a grade!
Explain how Mesopotamia was able to develop into a
civilization while living in a desert climate.
What difficulties were faced by the people in
Explain the significance of King Hammurabi.