Transcript German AP

Deutsch AP
Montag, der 15. April 2013
Deutsch AP (E Stunde)
Heute ist ein C Tag
Goal: to understand authentic written text, audio material and audio-visual material, which is used on a daily bases in Germany; to
understand and participate in the spoken and written communication used on a daily bases in Germany; to understand the culture of
German speaking countries.
Unit: Beauty & Aesthetics
Schönheit & Ästhetik / ePals
Key Question:
AP Einheit: Was ist “schön”? What is “beautiful”?
to discuss themes of beauty under different cultural aspects and in different forms of expressions
communication: speaking, reading& listening comprehension, expressing opinion, vocabulary
Der Hobbit – schreibe eine Email an die deutschen Schüler – Wie findest du das Buch oder den Film The Hobbit?
Märchen zu Ende besprechen
Lebenslauf der Gebrüder Grimm
Hausaufgaben: Buch: Brecht wiederholen von heute. Dann anschauen: Wenn die Haifische Menschen
wären Seite 94/95
 check your writing for organization of your thoughts
present sources viewpoints
clearly state your own viewpoint – and defend it
 use all sources to support your essay
 identify sources clearly
 spelling
 verb conjugations
 verb placement
 reflexive verbs – and reflexive pronouns
 possessive pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers)
 time expressions
 punctuation
 endings of words when in use with prepositions
 endings of articles with nouns used in Dative or Accusative case
 does your sentence have a necessary ingredients?
verbs – all parts (modal verb needs an action verb for example)
translate you German sentence back into English and check whether you really use all the words in German
that convey the meaning in English.
10 Minuten schreiben
Thema: Schönheit & Ästhetik
 Wi….e
Vergleichen Sie Perspektiven, wo Sie wohnen , mit
Perspektiven in deutschsprachigen Regionen. Sie können in
ihrem “Vortrag” Beobachtungen, Erfahrungen, oder das was
Sie gelernt haben, beschreiben. (4 minutes to read the topic
and prepare, 2 minutes to record your presentation)
4 Minuten – schreibe eine Gliederung (outline)
10 Minuten schreiben
bitte abgeben – wird benotet
 Imagine, you are presenting all the
second semester
information learned in this class to
Mrs. Williams by handing her a
Cover-page & content page
Explain the units
Unit Reflections
Show the assignments and work
done for each unit
Write a description and reflection
about the second semester and the
AP exam. Include your thoughts
about German: do you think your
studies and/or the AP class & exam
might influence you in the future?
für den Unterricht