Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Transcript Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Multimedia &
el Uso de
Internet en el
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Dpto. Filología Inglesa
Universidad de Murcia
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Authoring software: features
Activities created with a.s. can be run from
school network or be web-based.
Learners receive immediate feedback after
completion of exercises.
Wide range of activities for: reinforcing
grammatical points, consolidating lexical items,
developing listening & reading skills.
Programming skills not necesssary to create
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Authored activities tend to foster
independent learning BUT can be used for whole
class work with aid of interactive whiteboard:
- Learners can be divided in groups.
- Representatives come to the board to use its
interactive facilities: moving words or phrases to form
correct sentences (practice morphology & syntax);
matching words/phrases to pictures (practice
vocabulary); filling gaps; dragging-and-dropping to
reconstruct texts (practice syntax and discourse
structure), etc.
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Learners can
- work independently on networked activities in the
computer lab;
- use interactive materials at home that are stored at the
school network or on the WWW;
- complete & print the activities to keep them as a
Teachers can create tailor-made activities
to suit the particular needs of their students.
Input can include text, pictures, audio, and
even video to generate a complete
multimedia learning experience.
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Authoring software: limitations
Authored activities are built around the
idea of choice:
- students choose an answer or type in a word/letter;
- the computer marks it as right or wrong & awards a
score (with feedback & motivation to re-take the activity
to improve score).
A.a. are not suited for more creative L2 work,
since it is too difficult to predict the language
that students are going to produce.
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Authoring software for…
Matching picture to text
Matching text to text
Gap-filling exercises
Dialog reconstruction
Interactive crosswords
Word-ordering exercises
Reading comprehension
Spelling activities
Multiple choice quizzes
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Matching pictures to text (1)
Pelmanism activity
• Procedure:
Students click on numbered squares to
reveal either text or picture.
Correct match? Squares uncovered
& students gain points.
Incorrect match? Squares covered
& students continue trying.
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Matching pictures to text (2)
• Learning outcomes:
Memory development
If set against the clock, it demands
concentration & speed of response.
• Activity sequencing: Good for consolidation work.
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Matching text to text (1)
Matching L2 text to L1 text, or viceversa, and L2
text to L2 text. E.g.: drag-and-drop procedure.
Match subject to verb phrases. (Elementary
Match synonyms/antonyms (Interm. to
more advanced levels).
Match audio clips to one another / to text /
to picture.
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Matching text to text (2)
• Learning outcomes:
Lexical development (association of
word to correct meaning).
Syntactical awareness (with subject /
verb matching, etc.).
• Activity sequencing: Any stage of the
lesson provided it matches approach to
teaching of L2 elements (inductive /
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Gap-filling exercises (1)
• Procedure 1:
Copy/Paste text or type it into
Blank out words. Students provide
them using context, from box, from mchoice list, etc.
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Gap-filling exercises (2)
• Procedure 2:
Link text manipulation (see Proc.1) to
pictures, audio files or video files.
E.g.: Blank out words that students can
provide by watching the video, but do
not give them the words (no m-choice,
no box).
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Gap-filling exercises (3)
Part 1:
- Play video of s/one doing daily actions.
- Blank out verbs & ask students to provide them in past tense.
- Activity goal: Narrate past events.
- Time frame: Thursday, morning.
Part 2:
- Play video of same person doing s/th different at same time of
day, but on different day.
- Ask students to write short text explaining what the person is
- Time frame: Sunday, morning.
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Gap-filling exercises (4)
Correspondence to 1º ESO “funciones del
lenguaje y gramática”:
“Describir y narrar hechos pasados. Pasado simple de be.
There was/were. Pasado simple de verbos regulares e
irregulares. Adverbios y frases adverbiales: yesterday, last
week, last month, etc.”
“Describir y comparar personas, lugares y cosas, pidiendo
y dando información sobre las mismas. There is/are.
Adjetivos calificativos. Preposiciones de lugar: next to,
behind, opposite, etc. Countable/uncountable nouns.”
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Gap-filling exercises (5)
• Procedure 3:
Game formats for text reconstruction.
E.g.: break text into chunks & display
them on tiles. Ask students to reorder
tiles so that text reads correctly.
Learning outcomes: Recognition of
overall text structure.
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Reconstructing dialogs (1)
• Procedure:
- Students unscrumble or unjumble words
- Students fill in spaces appropriately
- Students finish lines (1st half given).
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Reconstructing dialogs (2)
• Activity sequencing: support for role
play / conversation activities. Among
others, consolidation work
(communicative practice).
• Learning outcomes: awareness of
morphosyntactical & discursive aspects of
dialogs (e.g. change in verb person, tense,
possessive adjective/pronouns, etc.).
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Interactive crosswords (1)
• Construction:
- Type in list of words & application
directly creates crossword grid.
- Insert clues: L1 correspondents / L2
definitions (dictionary or your own) /
Clues in L2 / Grammatical task (verb
form/tense conjugation) / Picture /
Sound, etc.
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Interactive crosswords (2)
• Activity sequencing: good for
consolidation work at end of vocabulary
lesson or sequence of lessons, or at end of
unit, etc.
• Learning outcomes: lexical development
(e.g., learning new words and derivatives);
spelling practice, etc.
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Word-ordering exercises (1)
• Construction:
Type in sentence & application breaks it down
for students to rebuild in correct order.
• L2 practice:
- Order of negatives in the sentence.
- Order of adjectives and nouns.
- Grammatical rearrangement of sentence
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Word-ordering exercises (2)
• L2 activities (by level):
- Elementary levels: give learners pictures (or
sounds) & ask them to arrange words in the
same order.
- Intermediate to advanced levels: give learners a
sentence in active voice & list of jumbled words
to recreate sentence in passive voice.
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Manipulating verb endings (1)
• Procedure for whole class activity:
- Have subject pronouns and infinitives flash up
on a screen or electronic whiteboard with
animation effects.
- Prompt students to conjugate the verbs they
- Alternatively, have students match subjects to
corresponding verb forms.
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Manipulating verb endings (2)
- Divide class into teams with spokespersons
coming to the board.
- Have teams work against the clock.
• Procedure for independent work:
Create gap-filling exercises for students to
complete verb endings at own pace.
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Reading comprehension (1)
• Types of interactive r.c. task:
- True / False questions
- Multiple-choice questions
- Selection of certain words from text to answer
simple questions, to complete sentence…
- Manipulation of text lg to fit answer sentences.
E.g.: A student can be expected to write “There
has been a dramatic …” if the text says “Fruit
exports have gone down dramatically.”
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Reading comprehension (2)
• Text source:
- Lower level students: texts of your own
creation, to suit your students lg learning needs
and interests.
- Intermediate and advanced levels: authentic
texts (e.g. from online magazines, newspapers,
• Input type: written text or spoken text
(audio/video selections), even pictures.
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Spelling activities
• Construction:
- Type in list of words.
- Software creates games:
E.g.: Letter tiles that students click on in
correct order to recreate a word based on
its L1 translation (cue).
• Learning outcomes: spelling awareness;
indirect vocabulary practice, etc.
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Multiple-choice quizzes (1)
• Whole variety of quiz format & levels
• Construction:
- Beginners: Supply picture & ask students to
choose word which describes it. Practice: Vocab.
- Intermediates: Supply a sentence with a blank
and bt 3 and 5 options (verbs, adjectives,
prepositions…) to choose correct answer.
Practice: Grammar; discourse structure, etc.
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Multiple-choice quizzes (2)
Advanced learners:
a) For revision of literature topics, students
answer m-c questions about characters,
identify who said a given important quote
from the text. (Do this for revision of the
term graded reading, for example).
b) For listening comprehension practice, include
a video or audio clip and have students answer
m-c questions on their content.
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Practical: Choose any one authoring tool
& develop an activity for one ESO level
Instructions: Contextualize the activity
adequately, providing information about:
- Target students: 1º, 2º, 3º, or 4º
- Brief summary of assumed student L2
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
- Learning goals in terms of L2 skills &
components (reading, grammar, etc.)
from corresponding course program or
syllabus, detailing which
“objetivos”, “contenidos (habilidades
comunicativas, reflexión sobre la lengua,
aspectos socioculturales, and, if appropriate,
temas transversales y competencias básicas)”
are addressed in your activity.
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
- Activity sequencing: brief sketch of
lesson plan, highlighting where the
activity fits.
- Expected learning outcomes & products
(if any).
- If applicable, explain integration of this
kind of activities into your E.S.O. course
EFL program/syllabus.
Submission of Practical: Post your activity
& its contextualization in the class blog.
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Submission of Practical
Method: Post activity & contextualization
on your blog or on our class blog.
Deadline: To be indicated
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Examples of authoring software:
Hot Potatoes:
Fun with Texts:
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010
Recursos Multimedia y el Uso de Internet en el Aula de EFL
Wida Software:
Eclipse Crosswords:
Dra. Lourdes Cerezo
Universidad de Murcia - Dpto. Filologia Inglesa - 2010