3rd Conjugation *-io* Verbs and 4th Conjugation Verbs in the

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Transcript 3rd Conjugation *-io* Verbs and 4th Conjugation Verbs in the

Thursday, October 20th, 2011
Similar to 1st and 2nd Conjugation in that it
possesses a long stem vowel.
1st Conjugation stem vowel = “-ā”.
2nd Conjugation stem vowel = “-ē”.
4th Conjugation stem vowel = “-ī”; retained
throughout present, future, and imperfect
tenses but is shortened bef0re vowels and final
Otherwise conjugates like 3rd Conjugation.
Audiō = I hear.
Audīs = You hear.
Audit = He,she, it hears.
Audīmus = We hear.
Audītis = You hear.
Audiunt = They here.
Note: Personal endings added to the verb stem
“Audī –”; “-u-” retained in 3rd person plural.
Audiam = I shall hear.
Audiēs = You will hear.
Audiet = She, He, It will hear.
Audiēmus = We shall hear.
Audiētis = You will hear.
Audient = They will hear.
Note: “-e” = characteristic vowel of the future
tense; same as 3rd Conjugation; “-i” stem is
Audiēbam = I was hearing.
Audiēbās = You were hearing.
Audiēbat = She, He, It was hearing.
Audiēbāmus = We were hearing.
Audiēbātis = You were hearing.
Audiēbant = They were hearing.
Note: “-ba-” characteristic feature of the
imperfect indicative active.
Infinitive – Audīre = To hear.
Singular Imperative = Audī.
Plural Imperative = Audīte.
NOTE: Learn the pattern, but also memorize.
Conjugates similarly to 4th Conjugation verbs
with a few notable differences.
The “-i” stem is always short.
Imperative ends in short “-e”.
Infinitive retains the short “-e” but not the “-i”.
Potential source of confusion because the
infinitive suggests that the stem ends in “e”.
Capiō = I take.
Capis = You take.
Capit = He/She/It takes.
Capimus = We take.
Capitis = You take.
Capiunt = They take.
Note: Short “i” retained throughout. The “u’ is
retained in the third person plural; looks like a 4th
Conjugation; Distinguished by different infinitive.
 Capiam = I shall take.
 Capiēs = You will take.
 Capiet = He/She/It will take.
 Capiēmus = We shall take.
 Capiētis = You will take.
 Capient = They will take.
 Note: the stem ending in “-e” indicates the future tense on
as in 3rd and 4th conjugation verbs.
Capiebam = I was taking.
Capiebas = You were taking.
Capiebat = He/She/It was taking.
Capiebamus = We were taking.
Capiebatis = You were taking.
Capiebant = They were taking.
Note: “-ba-” indicates the imperfect,
indicative tense as in all other conjugations
Singular Imperative = Cape = Take!
Plural Imperative = Capite = Take!
Present Infinitive = Capere = To take.
Note: Infinitive is similar to 3rd Conjugation (i.e. Agere “to do,
act, drive etc.); distinguished from regular 3rd Conjugation
verbs by the “i” stem ending like a 4th Conjugation verb.
Nom – Ego = I.
Gen – Mei = of me.
Dat – Mihi = to/for me.
Acc – Me = me.
Abl – Me = by/with/from
Nom – Tu = you.
Gen – Tui = of you.
Dat – Tibi = to/for you.
Acc – Te = you.
Abl – Te = by/with/from
Nom – Nos = we.
Gen - Nostrum/Nostri = of
Dat – Nobis = to/for us.
Acc – Nos = us.
Abl – Nobis = by/with/from
Nom – Vos = You.
Gen – Vestrum/Vestri = of
Dat – Vobis = to/for you.
Acc – Vos = you.
Abl – Vobis = by/with/from
Is = he
Ea = she
Id = it
Eius = of him
Eius = of her
Eius = of it
Ei = to/for him
Ei = to/for her
Ei = to/for it
Eum = him
Eam = her
Id = it
Eo = by/with/from
Ea = by/with/from
Eo = by/with/from
Ei, ii = they
Eae = they
Ea = they
Eorum = of them
Earum = of them
Eorum = of them
Eis = to/for them
Eis = to/for them
Eis = to/for them
Eos = them
Eas = them
Ea = them
Eis = by/with/from
Eis = by/with/from
Eis = by/with/from
Pronouns are used in place of nouns; used in the same way as nouns are used.
The nominatives of ego and tu rarely used except for emphasis.
The preposition “cum” (with) is followed by a noun in the ablative; but it is
attached to the end of the pronoun it modifies (i.e. not cum nobis “with us” but
nobiscum “with us.”)
Genitives of ego and tu ARE NOT used to indicate possession; possessive
pronouns meus, -a, um (my), noster, -tra, -trum (our), tuus, -a, -um (your, sing.),
vester, -tra, -trum (your, pl.); declines like magnus, magna, magnum; must agree
with noun they modify in gender, number, and case.
Genitives of is, ea, id CAN BE used to indicate possession (i.e. eorum/earum =
their); do have to agree in gender, number, and case with the thing possessed –
cf. p. 69.
Is, Ea, Id sometimes used as demonstratives (this, that) but in a less emphatic
sense than hic, ille.
Formed by adding suffix –dem to is, ea, id.
Therefore declines like is, ea, id with the
exception accusative singular and genitive
plural forms.
Can be used as adjectives and attached to
nouns; must agree with the noun it modifies
in gender, number, and case.
Cf. p. 71.