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Hoy es lunes, el 13 de febrero.
Finish the phrase with the correct verb ending!
1. Nosotros estudi________
2. Tú cant________
Please bring more flash cards
3. Ella bail________
(Maybe 5-10 half size)
4. Yo esper________
5. Los estudiantes lleg________
6. Mis amigos y yo entr________
7. Vosotras busc________
8. Ellos us________
Objective for today: I can explain what conjugation is, why you conjugate verbs
and the steps for conjugating. I know the six forms!
estudiar = to study
mirar = to look, to watch
escuchar = to listen
preparar = to prepare
hablar = to talk
*ayudar (a) = to help (people)
sacar = to get (grades), to take
buscar = to search
contestar = to answer
llegar = to arrive
enseñar = to teach
entrar (a, en) = to enter (into)
*esperar (a) = to wait (for), to hope usar = to use
necesitar = to need
pasar = to pass, to happen
• p. 109, #7
• ¿Qué estudian?
• p. 110, #8, #9
• p. 37 y 38 en los workbooks
• Due: mañana
• You may not have more class time to finish this!
Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 4 for each of the objective points. Turn in your
sheet before you leave!:
Objective #1: I understand why you conjugate a verb.
I could teach this to another person
I can do this!
I am still a little confused, but I’m starting to get this.
What does conjugate mean? I’m lost!!!
Objective #2: I can conjugate any –ar verb correctly
haven’t made any conjugation errors so far.
know the forms, but I’m still working on the process.
need to work on memorizing the forms, or the process is still confusing.
keep mixing things up! I’m lost!!!
Hoy es martes, el 14 de febrero.
Write sentence using the information provided below.
1. nosotros + contestar preguntas en clase
2. ellos + no sacar malas notas
3. tú + llegar a tu clase de arte
4. ella + preparar para el examen
5. yo + hablar con mis amigos
6. vosotros + entrar en la casa
Objective for today: I can explain what conjugation is, why you conjugate verbs and
the steps for conjugating. I can conjugate any regular –ar verb correctly.
• p. 37 y 38 en los workbooks
TAREA: p. 39
• Due: viernes (we’ll go over it before your retake)
• p. 110, #9
• Take our your “endings” flash cards!
• Ms. T will show you how to use these with your verbs!
• Use these worksheets to help you practice conjugating all of your
new verbs!
Hoy es miércoles, el 15 de febrero.
Entrance task!
• Ms. T will give you two “-ar” verbs, and you must conjugate them into all 6
• You will have 5 minutes!
• She is looking to see if you remember the endings and are able to follow the
pattern correctly!
Then, let’s talk about this new stair rule!
• Conjugation practice
• Words that explain how often something happens/how often you do something
• p. 111
Place before the
Place after the verb
Place at the beginning OR end of the
siempre = always mucho = often/a lot
todos los días = every day
rara vez = rarely poco = a little
a veces = sometimes
nunca = never
de vez en cuando = once in a while
tarde = late
temprano = early
a tiempo = on time
• p. 112, #14
• En los grupos, escriban una descripción de un estudiante “perfecto”.
• Escriban 6 oraciones.
Hoy es jueves, el 16 de febrero.
Some little notes:
¿Cómo se dice?
• mismo(a) = same
1. I need a calculator.
Tenemos la misma clase = We have the same class.
2. We always use computers.
• more than one test = exámenes
3. They dance.
4. She never wears her backpack.
5. You (fam.) teach history.
6. My brothers swim every day.
• p. 112, #12
• ¿Qué significan las descripciones?
• ¿Quién es?
• p. 112, #13
• Verb conjugation + adverbs
• p. 112, #14
• En los grupos, escriban una descripción de un estudiante “perfecto”.
• Escriban 6 oraciones.
Hoy es viernes, el 17 de febrero.
No esponja today!
 We will start with going over page 39 in your workbooks
 Then, you will have the rest of class to complete your retakes
 Please get out your workbooks!
• p. 39 en los workbooks
Part A: Writing a sentence to explain someone’s age
Part B: Possession with “de”, explaining who each item belongs to
Part C: Respond to the family questions with a word, name or phrase
(Quién/quiénes = who?, Cuántos/cuántas = how many?,
Cómo se llama = what is the name?)
Part D: Possessive Adjectives
Part E: Answering questions about dates
Part F: Writing sentences in Spanish