Transcript adverbs

Intro to Literature
 an adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective,
or another adverb
 adverbs can add meaning to verbs in many different
 Answers the questions
In what way?
To what extent?
 Where?
 She fell below.
 When?
 The package arrived today.
 In what way?
 He ran happily down the street.
 To what extent?
 I hardly completed my homework.
Adverbs modifying Adjectives
 an adverb modifying an adjective answers only one
question: To what extent?
 When an adverb modifies an adjective, it usually
comes directly before the adjective
 Ex: I was very glad.
 Ex: Are you almost ready?
Adverbs modifying Adverbs
 an adverb modifying another adverb answers just one
question: To what extent?
 An adverb modifying another adverb generally comes
directly before the adverb it modifies
 Ex: She moved very quickly.
 Ex: We climbed almost over.
Adjective or Adverb??
 some words can be either adverbs or adjectives,
depending on how they are used
 Remember: an adverb modifies a verb, an adjective, or
another adverb
 an adjective modifies a noun or pronoun
 Ex: Adverb: I awoke early.
 Ex: Adjective: I had an early class.
adjective/adverb examples
 gentle hands (adj)
 handle gently (adv)
 bright paint (adj)
 painted brightly (adv)
 Do NOT think that all words
 curly hair (adj)
 friendly neighbors (adj)
that end in –ly are adverbs –
some adjectives are formed
by adding –ly to a noun