Non-Finite Subordinate Clauses

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Finite and Non-Finite
Subordinate Clauses
Sási Erzsébet
11th April, 2014
Finite Subordinate
• Tensed
Is there any construction that
contains the plain form of the verb?
• 3 main types:
– content clauses
– relative clauses
– comparative clauses
Content Clauses
• Function:
– Subject
– Complement of a verb, noun, adjective or
• What’s the function in the following
a) I KNOW she likes it.
b) We stayed in BECAUSE it was raining.
c) That they accepted the offer is very
d) The FACT that it's so cheap makes me
Content Clauses
• Clause types:
– Declarative
He didn't know that everybody
supported the proposal.
 Subordinator: that
– Closed interrogative
He didn't know whether everybody
supported the proposal.
 Whether / if instead of Subject-auxiliary
Content Clauses
– Open interrogative
He didn't know which proposal
everybody supported.
 Interrogative phrase in initial position;
no Subject-auxiliary inversion
– Exclamative
He didn't know what a lot of them
supported the proposal.
 Mostly have the same form as their
main clause counterparts
Relative Clauses
• Exercises
Relative Clauses
• I. Relative clauses as Modifier
1. a) I agree with [the guy who spoke last].
b) I agree with [the guy that spoke last].
2. a) He lost [the key which I lent him].
b) He lost [the key I lent him].
– Relativised element:
• Overt / covert
• Relates back to the Head noun
• Functions: Subject, Object, etc.
Relative Clauses
• II. Supplementary relative clauses
– set off by punctuation or intonation;
supplement status (↔ integrated)
a) I've lent the car to my brother, who has
just come over from New Zealand.
b) He overslept again, which made him
miss the train.
– relativised element:
• always almost overt
• relates back to a larger unit
Relative Clauses
• III. The fused relative construction
1. a) Whoever wrote this must be very naive.
b) You can invite who you like.
2. a) He quickly spent what she gave him.
b) What books he has are in the attic.
– Structurally more complex
– Are the underlined sequences clauses?
– Whoever = the person who
What = that which
– ‘fused’ construction → the Head of the
noun phrase and the relativised element
are fused together
– looks superficially like open interrogative
content clauses
Comparative Clauses
• generally function as Complement
to the prepositions as and than
1. a) I'm as ready as I ever will be.
b) As was expected, Sue won easily.
2. a) More people came than I'd expected.
b) He has more vices than he has virtues.
• structurally incomplete relative to
main clauses: there are elements
understood but not overtly
(1.a, 2.a: missing Complement
2.b: missing Subject)
Non-Finite Subordinate
• three major types:
1. Infinitival
a) He wants to see you.
b) I can't help you.
2. Gerund-participial
a) Buying a car was a mistake.
b) He's the guy standing up.
3. Past-participial
a) All things considered, it's OK.
b) We got told off.
Non-Finite Subordinate
• Most non-finite clauses have no
overt Subject
• Under certain conditions:
– Inf.: in the to-variant with initial for as
For them to be so late is very unusual.
– Ger.-part.: a personal pronoun Subject
usually appears in accusative case, but
genitives are found in relatively formal
We objected to them/their being given
extra privileges.
– Past-part.:
All things considered, it's OK.
Non-Finite Subordinate
– much the most frequent
– very wide range of functions
• Subject: To err is human.
• Complement of a verb: He wants to see you.
• Complement of a noun: I applaud [her willingness
to compromise].
• Complement of an adjective: She's [willing to
• Adjunct: She walks to work to keep fit.
• Modifier of a noun: I need [an album to keep the
photos in].
• Prepositions take gerund-participials rather
than infinitivals as Complement:
He left [without saying good-bye].
but the compound in order and so as are
She stayed at home [in order to study for the
• Exercises:
– Michael Vince (2009): Advanced Language
Practice (p.114, Exercise 2)
– Kathy Gude, Michael Duckworth (2009):
Proficiency Masterclass (p.14, E)
– Antonia Clare, JJ Wilson (2012): Speakout
Advanced SB (p.36, 5-6)
Thank you for your attention! :)