Conjugating –AR verbs

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Conjugating –AR verbs
What does It mean to conjugate?
• To conjugate a verb means to change the
infinitive verb form so that it agrees with the
different possible subjects.
• Here is the present tense conjugation of the
infinitive "to speak":
• I speak
you speak
he speaks
she speaks
we speak
you-all speak
they speak
Spanish conjugation meanings
• The present tense in Spanish can mean three
things. The Spanish phrase "yo hablo" can
• yo hablo
I speak
yo hablo
I am speaking
yo hablo
I do speak
Subject pronouns
• A subject pronoun is a personal pronoun.
That means it takes the place of a name
and is the subject that the verb needs to
match. In English our subject pronouns
are: I, You, He, She, We, It, and They.
• In Spanish, those same pronouns
become: Yo, Tu, El, Ella, Usted
Nosotros/as, Vosotros/as, ellos, ellas, and
What makes a Spanish verb?
• Spanish infinitives are divided into two
parts: the ending and the stem. The
ending is the last two letters. Remember,
all infinitives end in -ar, -er, or -ir. The stem
is everything that's left after you remove
the ending.
• habl + ar = hablar
com + er = comer
viv + ir = vivir
How to conjugate –AR verbs
• In this lesson, we will use the model -ar verbs:
hablar. In Spanish, you conjugate verbs by
changing the ending depending on the pronoun
• Drop the –AR ending and add:
• O for “yo”
• As for “tu”
• A for “el, ella or usted (ud.)”
• Amos for “nosotros/as”
• Ais for “vosotros/as”
• An for “ellos, ellas, or ustedes (uds.)”
Hablar (to Speak)
Step 1- Take the –AR off of the verb so it becomes
Step 2- Add the ending that matches your subject.
Yo hablo
Tu hablas
El/Ella/Usted habla
Nosotros/nosotras hablamos
Vosotros/vosotras hablais
Ellos/ellas/ustedes hablan
Now that you have conjugated the verb
“hablar”, you can follow the same rules to
conjugate any regular verb ending in –AR.
Try conjugating the following verbs on a
sheet of paper: