Transcript 39947.1260889278.10-42-20
Greek Gods & Goddesses
By: Katelyn Joynt
Aphrodite or Venus to the Romans is
the goddess of love & beauty. She's
the only character who has no
mother or father. Her husband is
Hephaestus. Her symbols are the
girdle, the seashell and her sacred
animal is the dove. the mirror She
has 7 children who are Eros,
Deimos, Phobias, Aenas, Eryx,
Harmonia, and Hermaphrodius.
Zeus or Jupiter to the
Romans is the king of the
gods.His mother is Rhea and
his wife is Hera. He has too
many children to name some
are Athena, Apollo,
Artemis,Eros,(etc.) Zeus
married his own sister! His
weapon is the lightning bolt.
Zeus's symbol is the lighting
bolt and his sacred animal is
the eagle.
Apollo's known as Apollo to
both the Greeks and the
Romans. His father is of
course Zeus and his mother
is Leto. He has 2 children
named Alcepius and Phaeton.
He has no weapon and no
wife. He also has an even
temper. His symbols are the
navel stone, the tripod, the
laurel tree, and the lyre.
Athena or Minerva to the
Romans is the daughter of
Zeus and Metis. She has no
husband and no children.
She is famous for always
wearing her fighting helmet.
Athena’s mother was eaten
by Zeus and she grew in his
head and was born from
Zeus's head. Her symbol is
her helmet which she always
wears in battle.