Unit 3 Europe Middle Agesx

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Europe, The
Byzantine Empire,
and the Middle Ages
From 800 to 1000, a 2nd major wave of invasions
struck Europe led by Vikings, Muslims, & Magyars
(The 1st wave were the barbarians that attacked Rome)
■ Text
These invasions
caused widespread
fear & suffering
Kings could not
defend against
People stopped
looking to kings
for protection
Charlemagne was
because he did something no other king was
able to do…create an organized empire
He spread
He created schools to
train future priests
Charlemagne expanded He valued learning & built
the Frankish empire
schools in his empire
 System
where nobles offered protection and land in
return for loyalty and military service
 Vassal
-The Feudal Contract
 Knights
Manorial System
 Manor-
agricultural estate run by a lord and worked by
 Serfs- peasants legally bound to the land/not slavery
-labor services, pay rent, subject to lord’s control
The New Agriculture
 Use
of horse collars around the shoulders and chest,
multiple horses
 Horseshoes
 Led to growth of farming villages
 3 field systems
-more crops grown
Medieval Cities
 Stone
 Fires were prevalent
 Dirty and smelled
 Water pollution
Industries and Guilds
 Arts,
crafts, leather, metalwork
 Guilds
-set standards for quality
-fixed prices
-determined number of people that could enter specific
 What is an apprentice?
 Journeymen to a Master through a masterpiece
Role of the Church
 Bishops
to Popes, the Roman Catholic Church
 Monks
-Saint Benedict and The Benedictine Rule
Charlemagne and The Carolingians
Charles the Great
 Created the Carolingian Empire, most of western and
central Europe
 Messengers of the Lord King to inspect local districts
 Promoted Learning in kingdom
-revival of learning and culture
-works of the Greeks and Romans
-preservation of ancient works
England in the High Middle Ages
 The
Norman Conquest, 1066, William of Normandy, Battle
of Hastings
 Henry II
-common law
 Magna Carta
-Limited King
-Foundation for America
The Reign of Justinian
 Justinian
 The
Body of Civil Law- basis of imperial law in Eastern
Roman Empire, basis of legal system in all of Europe
-AKA Justinian Code
Byzantine Empire
 Capital
of The Byzantine Empire
-Building, Church of the Holy Wisdom, Hagia Sophia
The Crusades
 Infidels
 What
was the positive impact of the Crusades?
 First
university- Wanted to learn about law to apply to jobs, only men
 Lecture- Profs read from a book then gave their interpretation
 No exams! Oral exam after 4-6 years of study
 Bachelor of Arts then Master of Arts
 Law, medicine, theology – 10 years, Doctors Degree
 Theology was the highest area of study
The Black Death
 Most
devastating natural disaster in European history
 Spread by black rats infested with fleas carrying bacteria
 Followed trade routes
 1347-1351 38 million died out of 75 million
 Punishment by God? The Devil? Jews?
 Economic consequences
The Great Schism
-Rome and France
 The Antichrist?
-Damaging to the Church
 Church loses political power
The Hundred Years’ War , 116 to be
 England
against France for land
 Battle of Crecy
-1st major battle
 Joan of Arc
 Use of the cannon