Transcript ppt
Design Changes Since CDR
Prototype tests in Manchester
Towards Production Boards
SDK 11th April 2003
Specification of new TSF
ZPD requires additional fine-f output from stereo
layers… this forces a rebuild of the TSF.
Much of the spec stays the same, and parts of the
existing design can be carried over.
Take this opportunity to make some improvements
Improve fine-f output from 5 to 6 bits
Increase number of segments output
(1 per supercell => 3 per supercell pair)
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What we plan to do
Use latest generations of devices to :
Increase density - combine functions of several devices
on the original board to a single device.
This is essential in some cases, eg simplifies segment
selection for the ZPD output.
Increase logic speed - original TSF ran much of the logic
at 30Mhz, can increase this to 60Mhz.
Use quicker signaling standards to move data faster
across the board, and increase data rate across output
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Design Changes Since CDR
Original time constraints led to design compromises at CDR
Delays in funding gave us about 9 months extra
Used this time to reconsider some of the compromises forced by our
original aggressive timetable, namely
Use Virtex II rather than Virtex E chips
Drop daughtercards, opt for integrated board
Also, thoroughly re-examined parts of the original TSF design that didn’t
have to change because of the new spec, to adapt them to make best use
of latest technology and methodologies.
Overall dramatic reduction in cost !!!!
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Data inward (Formatter)
ECL Receiver logic remains unchanged (backwards compatible)
Synchronisation FIFOs absorbed into FPGA
Memory controlled by local FPGA => neighbour data can be stored or
replayed (full data sets replayed on single board standalone).
Memory can also be used for other things, eg histogramming or other
monitoring of data etc would be possible - the FPGA has plenty of spare
capacity (serious overkill).
Multidrop busses to engines replaced with point to point links.
Formatter FPGA selects data specifically for each engine FPGA
I/O performed on serial links
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Engines are (conceptually) the least changed parts of the design !
New engine FPGA replaces 2 of the old engine blocks, ie 6 or 7 of the old
engine FPGAs
Engine FPGAs handle up to 32(27) engine cores in two pipelined banks of
16, each with a 36 bit external LUT memory accessed at 60Mhz
Wider LUT supports increased f resolution and segment selection tags
Dual ZPD output on LVDS links (on prototype)
1st stage of BLT formatter function absorbed
I/O performed on serial links
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Fast Control/Operation/DAQ
Most radical re-design of the new board
Fast Control/Operation/DAQ/ZPD&BLT Formatter merged into single
I/O to other chips by serial links
External memories accessed only by local FPGAs
Single external RAM used to record (or replay) ZPD&BLT output data
DAQ FIFO is implemented internally (kills 70usec problem?)
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General features
Mainly unchanged from CDR
Virtex II FPGAs 3.3V I/O (only) 1.5V core. DC-DC converters
BGA memories. Can support 2.5V I/O, but stick with 3.3V.
Firmware loaded by Xilinx ACE from compact flash, select from 8 loads by
rotary switch
Dual JTAG chains for FPGAs and Memories
Comprehensive boundary scan test of assembly possible with external test
‘Standard’ technology 10 layer, 6thou track & gap 0.3mm drill, 100% hand
Diagnostic headers to logic analyzer, also allow independent JTAG.
1/2 depth of original board (200mm)
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TSF Testing at Manchester
The tests so far
Late Dec 1st “1 Chip” prototype. This board was tested for JTAG chains.
Just before Xmas (20th) this board was accidentally destroyed.
1st Week of Jan second “1 Chip” board assembled.
Mid Jan 2 days of firmware tests.
FPGA loaded and talks to Mictor OK (pinout issues resolved)
Error found on an enable line, patched
Global Clock instantination problems fixed.
LVDS instatination errors fixed – LVDS loopback tests to Fast Control OK
Tests to external memory failed – suspected hardware problems
Early Feb “3 Chip” prototype assembled, and “1 chip” passes bscan.
During Feb TSF test adaptor designed & produced
Mid Feb test specification for “3 Chip and above” defined
End of Feb memory problems understood on 1 chip – VHDL corrected
Early March “3 Chip” prototype returns to assemblers for corrections
Mid March “3 Chip” board passes boundary scan, inc. I/O
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TSF Testing at Manchester
Boundary Scan
BGA footprints as used on our FPGA and memory chips are not susceptible
to easy optical inspection. Boundary scan is an ideal tool to verify correct
We have a JTAG Technologies system, comprising test developer software
with a 4 port 3V3 boundary scan controller
We had planed to use this as a tool for testing the production boards –
lwe were reluctant to use it for the partially populated prototypes because
of the extensive low level editing of the netlist & configuration files this
requires. However, prompted to use the system to investigate the
suspected hardware faults on the “1chip” prototype.
TSF test adaptor developed which allows full testing of I/O path by
boundary scan tools.
Boundary scan knows nothing about special I/O standards – this leads to
problems with the LVDS signals – pairs driven by discrete drivers cannot
be tested (boundary scan is NOT a substitute for firmware testing)
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TSF Testing at Manchester
Production/Repair Test Plans
1st test of newly assembled production boards will be boundary scan.
Tests ready (will have to be adapted to final netlist, few days work). The
hardware required for external I/O tests is ready.
2nd test is a firmware based ‘internal test’. This tests internal connections
at full speed and above. It will always be possible to run these tests on
the board (will occupy one of the firmware ‘slots’). Firmware specified and
being prepared.
3rd test will be firmware tests that require the test adaptor hardware,
specifically to test the ZPD output and fast control I/O. Could also be used
for pattern testing in experiment (eg TSFi/ZPDi/ZPD in corresponding test
mode ??). Firmware specified and being prepared.
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Steps towards Production
So far we have only seen minor faults on the prototypes...
An enable the wrong polarity
Error in Mentor map file inverting an LVDS pair
Some small improvements in mind (tinkering)
Some design issues (luxury items) need to be resolved
LVDS Muxes on ZPD output
“Auxiliary” logic on some I/O (BLT, Dlink)
No known deficiencies in the hardware resources required by the
Firmware... (ie design is “fit for purpose”)
Low level hardware testing by boundary scan in place.
However, the next two months are critical…..
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