Abbasid Caliphate

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Transcript Abbasid Caliphate

 Born in Mecca 570 CE
 610 CE vision
 Monotheism
 Idolatry
 Hijra 622 Flight to Medina
 Read Primary Source Document:
 Why is this document significant?
What implied or descriptive
comparisons to other major
religions do you see ?
Islamic belief system
• Heaven or hell
• One good god one evil
• Monotheism
god(monotheistic in
• Revere saints, church fathers
• Monotheism – Allah definition) in constant
• Jesus – son of God
• Revere prophets, imams
• Virgin birth
• Jesus- prophet • Prayer 5 times daily
• Jesus crucified
• Fire used in worship
• Virgin birth
• Affirmed resurrection
• Salvation through good
• Jesus did not die, ascended
• Revelation through prophets
• Denied resurrection words, thoughts, deeds
• Original sin
• Humans do good and evil.
• Faith & works salvation • Revelation through
Muhammad only
• Hell/heaven
• Humans do good & evil
• Humans do good & evil
• Salvation through 5 pillars
• Paradise (eternal) or hell
• Prayer 5 times daily
Military expansion
Military Expansion & Rule
 Caliphate 632 - 662
 Umayaad 662-750
 Abbasid 750- 1258
 Sultanate 1258-1299
 Ottoman Empire 1299-1924
 Keep in mind, that Muslims see a Caliphate as a
government uniting them under one rule so some
scholars see the caliphate as encompassing the years
Traditional sources of
power & legitimacy
 Rise of the Caliphate
Abu Bakr 632-634
Umar 634-644
Uthman 644-656
Mu'awiya 660
Umayyad Dynasty
Use the comparison document to
analyze each period.
Umayyad Caliphate
Abbasid Caliphate
 Years of rule
 Years of rule
 Treatment of non-muslims
 Treatment of non-muslims
 Military expansion
 Military expansion
 Type of laws
 Type of laws
 Treatment of women
 Treatment of women
 Type of government
 Type of government
The Abbasid Caliphate
Merchant expansion:
When was it founded?
What years was it prominent?
What is the city’s Islamic significance?
What goods were primary trade items in this city?
Why did it decline?
 Major merchant cities
Sukuk or sakk
Muslim Merchant communities in the
Indian Ocean Region
 Go to the website below
and check out what was
happening in the
Medieval era
 http://www.indianocean
Missionary expansion
 Was it conversion by the
sword or is this a myth
propagated and spread
by people with a
particular bias?
Ibn Battuta
 Where did he go?
 How do we know?
 Primary sources
 The Marco Polo of the
Islamic world
Dar al Islam
(house of Islam)
 Refers to all geographic
lands under the religious
and political rule of
Diffusion of literary, artistic, & cultural
traditions in Subsaharan Africa
 The Hajj
 Subsaharan trade routes
 Inter-cultural transfer of
Diffusion of scientific &
technological traditions
 Greek science & philosophy
returned to W. Europe via
Muslim al-Andalus in
 Baghdad as purveyor of
 House of Wisdom
 Ibn al haytham (Alhazen) –
father of the modern
scientific methodology
The spread of food and
agricultural techniques
 Cotton, sugar, citrus
throughout Dar-al-Islam
& the Mediterranean
 Literature on crops
 Rapid growth of cities
 Paper manufacture
 The crusades 753-1307
Sunni Shia Split - what's that all about
State Synthesis (the influence of
Persian traditions on Islamic states)
 The veil – hijab
 Sharia law
 Madrasas
 The Hajj/Ka’ba
Muslim Scholarship
 Sufi’s
 alGhazali
 Ibn al Haytham