Islam Expands - Wando High School

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Islam Expands
In spite of internal conflict, the Muslims
create a huge empire that includes
land on three continents.
Muhammad’s Successors spread
A New Leader
In 632 Muhammad dies;
Muslims elect Abu-Bakr to
be the first caliph
Caliph, title for Muslim
leader, means “successor”
or “deputy”
Picture at right depicts
Abu-Bakr dying
Speech by Abu Bakr
“O people, I have been appointed by rule
over you, though I am not the best among
you. If I do well, help me, and if I do ill
correct me. Truth is loyalty and falsehood
is treachery…Obey me as long as I obey
the Prophet. And if I disobey God and his
Prophet you do not owe me obedience.
Come to prayer, and my God have mercy
on you.”
“Rightly Guided” Caliphs
First four caliphs
guided by Quran
and Muhammad’s
What changes did they make
during their rule?
They mobilized highly
disciplined armies that
conquered Arabia,
parts of the Byzantine
Empire, and parts of
the Sassanid Empire.
Why were they successful in their
quest to expand the empire and
spread Islam?
1. Muslims were willing to fight to extend and defend
2. Armies were well disciplined and expertly
3. Surrounding empires like the Byzantine empire were
4. People who had suffered from religious persecution
welcomed the more tolerant invaders.
5. Attracted to Islam’s offer of equality and hope
6. Attracted by the economic benefit for Muslims of not
having to pay a poll tax
Muslim expansion
Treatment of Conquered Peoples
Muslim invaders
tolerate other
Christians, Jews
receive special
consideration as
“people of the book”
but were not allowed
to spread their
Four Rightly Guided Caliphs
Abu Bakr (elected)
Umar (elected) (murdered)
Uthman (elected) (murdered)
Ali (elected) (murdered)-Muhammad’s
cousin and son-in-law
Led to Umayyad Dynasty (661-750)
Quote from Muhammad
“Those who will be most clearly punished
on the Day of Judgment are one who
murders a prophet, one who has been put
to death by a prophet, one who leads men
astray; and the maker of images and
Internal Conflict Creates a Crisis
What ended the elective system of
choosing a caliph?
The assassination of Ali and the rise to
power of the Umayyads
Wealthy family, Umayyads take
What changes did the
Umayyads make during their
1. Move capital to Damascus
2. Abandon the simple life of
previous caliphs
3. Surround themselves with
wealth and ceremony (See
mosque at right in Damascus)
Map of Middle East
Umayyads cont.
What led to the downfall of the
Vigorous religious and political opposition
The majority of Muslims accepted the
Umayyads’ rule. However, a minority
continued to resist.
Sunni-Shi’a Split
Shi’a-party of Ali-believe caliph should be
Muhammad’s descendant (Members are
called Shiites.)
Sunni-followers of Muhammad’s examplesupport Umayyads (Today-most of Islamic
Sufi followers pursue life of poverty,
spirituality; reject Umayyads
How did the Abbasids come to power?
in 750, a rebel group-the Abbasids-topple
the Umayyads; murder the Umayyad
family; one prince escapes and flees to
Spain; establishes new Umayyad caliphate
in al-Andalus (Muslim state in southern
Spain settled by North Africans)
Abbasids cont 750-1258 AD
What changes did they
make during their rules?
1. Moved the capital to a
newly created city
2. Developed strong
bureaucracy to conduct
the affairs of the huge
3. Created a system of
taxation and strong trade
Map of Middle East
Abbasids cont.
What major problem did the Abbasids
They failed to keep complete political
control over their immense empire. Broke
up into smaller states.
Still united by three things:
Trade, language, Quran (religion)
Muslim Trade Network
Muslims trade by land
and sea with Asia and
Muslim merchants use
Arabic, single
currency and checks
Cordoba in Spain is
dazzling center of
Muslim culture
Review Questions-True or False and
correct the False statements
1. The word caliph means “Allah servant” and
was the title given to each leader of the Muslim
Empire following Muhammad.
2. The first 4 caliphs to rule after Muhammad’s
death were elected by the Muslim community
and were known as the “rightly chosen” caliphs.
3. During the Umayyad caliphate, the rulers
moved the capital to Damascus and began to
indulge in a luxurious lifestyle.
Questions cont.
4. The group of Muslims that pursued a life of
poverty and spirituality, similar in many ways to
that of Buddhist or Christian monks, were called
the Sufi.
5. The Shia are the members of the larger of
the two main divisions of Islam and embrace
Muhammad’s example as the best guidance for
how to lead a proper Muslim life.