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Ways to Improve Your Memory
There are 2 distinct types of memory –
each uses different parts of the brain:
Procedural Memory: skills and
habits that have been practiced to
the point where they are automatic
and unconscious eg. Typing, tying
shoes, riding a bike
Declarative Memory: Our general
knowledge and our life experiences
that we can declare or recall
How to remember for each
type of memory??
Procedural – rote rehearsal works
best… much repetition is needed
 Declarative – elaborative rehearsal
(linking new info to something we
already know) for example:
Using metaphors and analogies
Using personal life examples eg. think of
some declarative and procedural memories
of your own
Consolidation is essential for
transfer of learning
Consolidation – moving a memory over time
from working (short-term) memory to long
term memory
New info is not “fixed” the moment it is
processed – takes time to “gel” or consolidate
Learning occurs best when new info is
incorporated GRADUALLY into memory over
spaced intervals rather than cramming it all in
at one sitting
How does “chunking” improve
The difference between novices and
experts in a field appears to be that
experts tend – because of a great deal
of experience in a field – to organize
information into much larger chunks,
while novices work with isolated bits of
Benjamin Bloom
Effective Rehearsal:
The more the info is linked to previous
learning, the stronger the memory
 The more modalities used to rehearse,
the more paths you have for retrieval of
the memory – so…. “write about it, talk
about it, act it out”
Learn from the general to the
Skim the material before you read to
get an overview of what you will be
 Many students dive right in and tackle
details, trying to memorize those before
seeing the “big picture”
 Think of viewing a huge mural
style of painting…
Make it meaningful
Imagine being in a class learning how to pack
up your own parachute for your skydiving
experience – would you pay attention? If it
means something to you, you’re more likely
to be involved in the learning…. How?
 Find an experience you’ve already had and
“hook” the information to it (hook info to
an existing network of neurons)
 Or, create a new experience with the new
Create associations between
what you’re learning and what
you already know
Recalling new (or old) information is
easier if it’s stored in your brain near
something you already know – (my
personal muscle memory story)
 For example, if you meet someone
named Greg, think of someone you
already know with the same name, to
help the name stick
(Five More Quick Ways to Remember
Someone’s Name)
Immediately repeat the name out loud
Associate the name with a physical
characteristic eg. Tall Tom, Tiny Tim
Picture the first letter of their name on their
Ask them to spell their name if it’s unusual
Tell yourself you won’t forget their name
If you can’t remember it,
remember something else
When you are stuck and can’t remember
something you know you know, remember
something else that is related to it.
Aunt – uncle, facts – examples
Learn actively
People remember:90% of what they do
75% of what they see
20% of what they hear
Stand up
 Sit on the edge of your seat
 Walk around and recite what
you’re learning
Have you ever forgotten all you knew
when tense?
 Relaxation helps recall and learning
 When we are scared or too anxious, we
Create Pix
Draw diagrams,
cartoons, flowcharts
Visual information is
associated with a
different part of the
brain than verbal
information. There is a
better chance of recall
when information is
stored in two parts of
the brain rather than
just one.
Graphic organizers can be used to
arrange the information in a useful and
meaningful way. Creating these while
you study is very helpful in internalizing
the content. Following are some
Double cell diagram
For comparing and contrasting
Concept map
Simple Concept Map:
More Complex Concept Map:
Comparison Matrix
Recite and Repeat
…out loud.
2 different senses will anchor the concept
Physical sensation of speaking (throat, lips,
 Auditory component as well
Best if in your OWN WORDS – this forces
you to think about it
Write it down
(even if you never look at it)
Writing engages a different kind of
memory than speaking. It prompts us
to be more logical, coherent, &
 Written reviews reveal gaps that mental
reviews miss
 Can be a good way to prepare for tests
(which are usually written, not oral)
Reduce interference….
Turn off the stereo and tv when you
If you think you study better with music,
don’t use songs with lyrics – they interfere
w/ retention
If it’s noisy at home, go to the library to
Try to study in different places for more
Don’t stop when you think you know it
well enough to pass the test (especially
with problem solving, this has been
shown to work)
 Re-do assignments, then look for more
similar questions
 Make up your own questions and
answer them
 Use old tests  best way to learn
Study during
daylight hours (more
If you think the
subject is boring,
remember that
everything is related
to everything else.
Look for connections
Distribute learning –
you can benefit
much more from
three 2-hour study
sessions than in one
6-hour session
In those study
sessions, take
frequent breaks
Use it or lose it
To remember
something, access it
often. Each time you
use that pathway, it
becomes stronger
and will be easier to
recall that content
later on.
Teach it to someone
Awesome site with tons of
tricks for studying: