TB power point - HU

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Transcript TB power point - HU

"TB" is short for tuberculosis. TB disease is caused by a bacterium. The bacteria attack the lungs, but
can attack any part of the body such as the kidney, spine, and brain.
TB is spread through the air from one person to another.
Cover your mouth when coughing. Cover your nose when sneezing.
Simple skin test. It takes a few minutes. If your skin reacts, it is a positive sign for TB
"TB" es la abreviatura de la tuberculosis. La enfermedad de la tuberculosis es
causada por una bacteria. Las bacterias atacan los pulmones, pero puede atacar
cualquier parte del cuerpo como los riñones, la espina dorsal y el cerebro.
• La TB se transmite por el aire de una persona a otra.
• Cubra su boca al toser. Cúbrase la nariz al estornudar.
• Simple prueba cutánea. Se tarda unos minutos. Si su piel reacciona, es un signo
positivo para la tuberculosis
In our school district in the past six months along with a
neighboring one there may have been students put into an
environment conducive to acquiring tuberculosis (TB). More than
3,000 students may have been exposed with this in mind we did
research do determine how many if any know have TB and more
importantly how this exposure to TB accrued.
We found the source of the expose was related to the
transportation system that we along with five other school districts
use and that there were potential five drivers that could have spread
the disease. Of the five drivers only one spread the disease and this
was only to one student and one driver. The second driver that
contracted TB did not spread the disease. Below is a chart of the
drivers and companies that may provide information about the rates
of exposure. We ask that ALL students be tested for TB within the
week, if you cannot afford to test your child please call the center of
disease control at 555-6682
In at least 2 studies, 60% and 80% of students exposed on school buses tested positive in skin tests for Tuberculosis.
# of Counties
positive skin tests
Driver 1
Driver 2
1 of 2
Driver 3
1 of 2
Driver 4
1 of 2
Driver 5
1 of 2
2 counties
11 school districts
49 schools
3000+ kids overall
Just as a reminder
We feel the need to inform all those that may have been infected
what TB is and the symptoms associated with this bacterial infection
along with how it is spread. Tuberculosis is caused by a particular
germ cell that usually attacks the lungs. When a person has this
infection they can spread it through the air. This includes coughing,
sneezing, talking close to someone, and kissing. Below is a list of
symptoms that are associated with TB1.
Weight loss
Coughing up blood or mucus
Weakness or fatigue
Fever and chills
Night sweats
Since a case of the flu or other illnesses can have the same
symptoms we ask again please test all of those that may have
been exposed for TB can be FATAL!
The tuberculosis skin test known as Mantoux is the test we are asking
all those that may have been exposed to take. In short the doctor will
be putting just a piece of the bacteria into your body via a needle in the
forearm. It is important to know that you cannot be infected by the test.
After this is done you will be asked to return a couple of days later2. If
your body has been exposed to TB a bump will appear were you got the
shot. The doctor will measure the size of the bump to determine if you
have been infected. If you are determined to have TB there is a very
effective treatment option. Although you would have to take several
pills for six to eight months the infection can be killed. It is important to
understand that you have to take the entire pill cocktail for the duration
of the treatment otherwise the infection could start back up.