Transcript Energy

What is Energy?
• Energy is defined as the ability to do work.
• Work is done on an object when it moves
as a result of applied force.
• Where does it come from?!?
• Is there an unlimited amount?
When earth was young…
• Chemosynthesis: is a process, like photosynthesis,
which some organisms that are not accessible to
sunlight use to produce food. (Food = Energy source!)
• Photosynthesis: is the biological conversion of light
energy (sun) into chemical energy.
– Carbon dioxide, water, and certain inorganic salts are
converted into carbohydrates (Sugar?)
– This occurs in green plants, algae, and photosynthetic
– Chlorophyll: The green pigment of plants that traps the
energy of sunlight for photosynthesis
Basic Photosynthesis
Applied to us/food
• Cellular Respiration: Cells use oxygen to break apart the
sugar molecule and release energy
Producers create all of the
chemical energy on which
all other organisms
Consumers: Organisms that
cannot produce their own food,
and must eat Producers in order to
live/have energy.
Classifying Consumers
Primary Consumers that
• Herbivores: eat plants only.
• Carnivores:
Secondary Consumers
that eat animals only.
• Omnivores:
They consume both!
• Scavengers:
Consume dead or decaying organisms
• Decomposers:
Feed on dead organisms
and organic waste.