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Transcript AIM: OBJ: DN: HW - Hicksville Public Schools / Homepage

OBJ: Given notes, video, activity sheet SWBAT explain the
processes of selective breeding, genetic engineering and
cloning with 70% accuracy.
DN: Hand-in Pedigree Lab write-up and PLQ Quiz scantron.
ACT: Introduction to:
Selective Breeding (notes, video)
Genetic Engineering (notes, video)
Cloning (notes)
Complete Modern Genetics Activity Sheet
HW: Text, read p. 123-128, Complete Advances in Genetics
Booklet. UPCO11 Quiz (Ch.7, Genetics & Evolution) week of
May 5; Work on MGE Review Sheets; MGE Exam, May 12
Advances in Genetics Notes
Selective Breeding: select or choose
organisms with desired traits (features).
Two techniques are:
Inbreeding: mating (crossing) similar
individuals having similar features.
Hybridization: mating different individuals
to produce offspring with the desired traits.
Example: Corn (many kernels) X Corn (disease resistant) =
Corn (many kernels + disease resistant)
Advances in Genetics Notes
Genetic Engineering: genes from one organism are
transferred into the DNA of another organism
(human to bacteria).
Purpose: produce new medicines, improve food
crops, superplants, superhumans? (future mankind).
Example: Bacteria plasmid (DNA ring) used to produce
insulin for diabetics.
Example: Bacteria plasmid (DNA ring) used to produce
human growth hormone to help the development of very
short people.
Example: A firefly’s bioluminescence gene transferred
into a cat’s egg can produce a cat that glows in the dark.
Advances in Genetics Notes
Cloning: offspring (children) with the same
genes as parent. That is, asexual (mitotic)
reproduction artificially occurring in sexually
reproducing organisms.
Clone: Parent = Child (genetically)
Identical Twins: Child A = Child B
Example clone: Dolly the sheep; parent and
child are identical in appearance.