Transcript Symbiosis

Types of Symbiosis
• Mutualism
• Amensalism
• Commensalism
• Parasitism
1. The clown fish gets protection from the
anemone, and the anemone eats bigger fish
which the clown fish attracts.
• Mutualism
2. The wasp above has stung and
paralyzed a spider. It will take the spider to
a nest and lay an egg on it. The larvae will
consume the still-living spider; often from the
inside. The spider is hurt.
• 2.
• Parasitism
3. The Sea Lamprey, It latches onto a fish and
uses the teeth to hold on and rasp away the skin,
leaving an open wound for the lamprey to feed
on. The fish are hurt.
• 3.
• Parasitism
4. Shark and Remora
The remora gets food that drops out
of the sharks mouth, but the shark
is neither helped nor hurt.
• 4.
• Commensalism
5. Bees and Pollen
The bee gets food the flower gets
spread to new areas
• 5.
• Mutualism
Plaque is a sticky, colorless film of bacteria and
sugars that constantly forms on our teeth. It is the
main cause of cavities and gum disease.
• 6.
• Parasitism
7. Barnacles attach to whales and
get food from the ocean, the whale
isn’t hurt or helped.
• 7.
• Commensalism
8. Intestinal bacteria and you
bacteria aid in digestion and the
bacteria get leftover food.
• 8.
• Mutualism
9. The cactus provides food for the white-winged
dove in the form of a large fruit. The bird
consumes the fruit, also ingesting the cactus'
seeds. The bird then flies off and later deposits
the seeds in a new location.
• 9.
• Mutualism
10. The Tree Sloth has algae growing in
its fur. These algae help to camouflage the
sloth against the lichen-covered tree. The
algae get a home in the Sun to live.
• 10. Mutualism
11. A tick feeding on your dog.
• 11.
• Parasitism
12. Penicillium produced by
bread mold kills bacteria, but
mold does not benefit.
• 12.
• Amensalism
13. The Hippos rely on the oxpecker bird
to rid their bodies of parasites and
insects, The oxpecker, for his part, gets
an easy meal.
• 13. Mutualism
14. The flicker below has excavated its nest
in the dead wood of a living sycamore
tree. The tree is not really hurt or helped.
• 14. Commensalism