Interferences to Oxygen Needs:

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Transcript Interferences to Oxygen Needs:

Interferences to Oxygen Needs:
Head, Neck and Chest Surgery
Cancer of the Larynx
• Why is cancer of the larynx considered so
• What care would you plan for just knowing
that the patient has laryngeal cancer? (hint:
think psychosocial)
• What are the s/s of laryngeal cancer?
• What are the risk factors related to laryngeal
cancer? What would you teach your patient
about preventive actions?
• Is there any difference in prognosis between
carcinoma in situ and well-differentiated
cancer? Would this affect your plan of care
for this patient? If so, how?
• Many patients undergo radiation therapy prior
to surgical intervention. What are the nursing
interventions for someone having radiation
therapy and why would you do those things?
• What preop teaching needs to be done for the
patient undergoing a laryngectomy? Does the
type of laryngectomy affect what you would
teach, how you would care for the patient?
• What are the major concerns regarding
nursing care/assessments postop for the
laryngectomy patient?
• What would you teach a patient who is on
aspiration precautions?
• What patient education is required for the
laryngectomy patient prior to discharge?
Lung Cancer
• Are there any parallels that can be drawn
between lung cancer and laryngeal cancer?
(compare and contrast, ie. s/s, etiology,
prognosis, etc.)
• What are the common findings on physical
assessment with someone diagnosed with
lung ca?
• How would you provide psychosocial care for
the patient diagnosed with stage 3 lung ca?
• What happens in each of the paraneoplastic
syndromes listed in table 32-4, page 642 in
• What are the various surgical procedures done
for the treatment of lung ca? How do they
differ from one another in the procedure, in
nursing care?
• This is a pretty good explanation of chest tube
setup/drainage. Go to:
• What are the nursing considerations/concerns
when caring for a patient with a chest tube?
• What sorts of problems/issues would cause
you to make an immediate call to the MD?
• Design a nursing care plan for the postop
patient with lung cancer, with a chest tube in
place, having had a pneumonectomy, for the
patient undergoing pleurodesis.
• What are the nursing interventions for
someone undergoing chemotherapy? Give
rationales for each intervention.