2b. Indoor Air Quali..

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Transcript 2b. Indoor Air Quali..

The Indoor Environment
Overview of the Indoor Environment
• Amount of time spent indoors…
• Health and safety risks: accidents, food,
water, air…
• Emphasis here on indoor air quality*
– Pollutants, sources, effects
– Effects of indoor-outdoor air exchange
not in the workplace
Activity Patterns
Source: EPA, Exposure Factors Handbook, August 1997
Indoor activities
Adults (12 and older)
21 h/day
Children (3-11)
19 h/day (weekdays)
17 h/day (weekends)
Outdoor activities
1.5 h/day
5 h/day (weekdays)
7 h/day (weekends)
Time spent inside a vehicle (adults) 1.3 h/day
Overall (adults):
Indoor ~90%
Outdoor ~10%
• Gases
– Inorganic: CO, NOx, SOx, radon….
– Organic: formaldehyde, pesticides, “VOCs”….
• Particles
– Inorganic: combustion aerosols, “dust”….
– Organic: spray aerosols, cooking smoke, ETS…
– Biogenic: bacteria, fungi, spores, dander, antigens….
National Emissions vs. Exposures
Example: Benzene
Health Risk
• Where toxicity is a measure of adverse
health effect per unit mass of pollutant
• And exposure is a measure of the mass of
pollutant breathed over a period of time
Volume of Air Breathed
• Typically, about
15 - 20 m3/day
– i.e., the volume of a small bedroom
• More for athletes in action
• Less for couch potatoes and children
• About 20 kg per day
• For comparison: food and water- ~2 kg/day each
• Odor
• Irritation of mucous membranes
• Lung damage
• Infection
• Asthma
• Cancer
• Other systemic effects
Worker Productivity
Radon in the home
What is Radon?
What are the properties of Radon?
Where does it come from?
How does it get into the house?
What is Radon?
• Radon (chemical symbol Rn) is a naturally
occurring radioactive gas found in soils,
rock, and water throughout the U.S.
• Radon causes lung cancer, and is a threat to
health because it tends to collect in homes,
sometimes to very high concentrations.
• It has numerous different isotopes, but
radon-220, and -222 are the most common.
Source: US EPA
• A given element might exist in different
forms – “isotopes” – with differing numbers
of neutrons
• If they have the same number of protons,
they are the same element
• But their weight is different because of the
• Example: Hydrogen, Deuterium, Tritium
E.g.: Carbon 14
What are the properties of radon?
• Radon is a noble gas, which means it is essentially inert,
and does not combine with other chemicals.
• Radon is a heavy gas, which accounts for its tendency to
collect in basements.
• It has no color, odor, or taste.
• Radon-222 is produced by the decay of radium, has a halflife of 3.8 days, and emits an alpha particle as it decays to
polonium-218, and eventually to stable lead.
• Radon-220, is the decay product of thorium – it is
sometimes called thoron, has a half-life of 54.5 seconds
and emits an alpha particle in its decay to polonium-216.
Source: US EPA
Where does Rn come from?
Radon Precursors and Progeny
(Masters, Figure 7.54)
How does Radon get into the house?
• Radon is “pumped”
into your house by the
heating system
– Inhalation exposure
• A smaller source can
be well water pumped
into your house
– Inhalation and
ingestion exposure
Source: US EPA
Radon Risk if You Smoke
If 1,000 people who smoked were exposed to this level
over a lifetime...
The risk of cancer from radon exposure
compares to...
Stop smoking and...
20 pCi/L
About 135 people could get lung cancer
100 times the risk of drowning
Fix your home
10 pCi/L
About 71 people could get lung cancer
100 times the risk of dying in a home fire
Fix your home
8 pCi/L
About 57 people could get lung cancer
4 pCi/L
About 29 people could get lung cancer
100 times the risk of dying in an airplane
Fix your home
2 pCi/L
About 15 people could get lung cancer
2 times the risk of dying in a car crash
Consider fixing between 2 and 4
1.3 pCi/L
About 9 people could get lung cancer
(Average indoor radon level)
(Reducing radon levels below 2
pCi/L is difficult.)
0.4 pCi/L
About 3 people could get lung cancer
(Average outdoor radon level)
(Reducing radon levels below 2
pCi/L is difficult.)
Fix your home
Note: If you are a former smoker, your risk may be lower.
Source: www.epa.gov/iaq/radon/riskcht.html
Radon Risk if You Never Smoked
If 1,000 people who never smoked were exposed to this
level over a lifetime...
The risk of cancer from radon exposure
compares to...
20 pCi/L
About 8 people could get lung cancer
The risk of being killed in a violent crime
Fix your home
10 pCi/L
About 4 people could get lung cancer
8 pCi/L
About 3 people could get lung cancer
10 times the risk of dying in an airplane
Fix your home
4 pCi/L
About 2 people could get lung cancer
The risk of drowning
Fix your home
2 pCi/L
About 1 person could get lung cancer
The risk of dying in a home fire
Consider fixing between 2 and 4
Less than 1 person could get lung cancer
(Average indoor radon level)
(Reducing radon levels below 2
pCi/L is difficult.)
Less than 1 person could get lung cancer
(Average outdoor radon level)
(Reducing radon levels below 2
pCi/L is difficult.)
Fix your home
Note: If you are a former smoker, your risk may be higher.
Source: www.epa.gov/iaq/radon/riskcht.html
Indoor Air Pollutants
(from Miller, Env.Sci., 9th ed., and EPA)
Indoor Biocontaminants
• The previous diagram leaves out a major class of
indoor pollutants, sometimes generally referred to
as “biocontaminants”.
• Examples: fungi, bacteria, viruses, spores, animal
dander, pollen, insect fragments, dust mites.
• Microbial contaminants thrive in or on moist
• Control by preventing leaks and high-moisture
areas; cleaning regularly; and air cleaning if
There’s Money in Mold
(from the Raleigh News and Observer, 12-20-01)
• Outdoor Air
– SOx, NOx, CO, Ozone, Particles, Pb
– Hazardous air pollutants (189/33)
• Indoor Air
Codes: ventilation, combustion devices
Asbestos removal
Product labeling (e.g., carpets)
Toxic substance warnings (e.g., in CA)
Smoking bans
Radon (guidelines for acceptable levels; testing
required by some States when houses sold)
Ventilation Terminology
• Natural ventilation
– Infiltration and exfiltration occur by natural
driving forces (temperature differences, wind)
• Mechanical ventilation
– Air forced into or exhausted from buildings by
– Dilution ventilation: dilute indoor-generated
pollutants below thresholds
– Exhaust ventilation: extract high-concentration
pollutants or moisture
Ventilation Rates
• Ventilation rates are often expressed as air
exchange rates, in air changes per hour (ACH)
air flow rate ÷ room volume = ACH [hr-1]
• For example, a 300 m3 house through which
150 m3/hr of air is entering via infiltration
(and exiting via exfiltration) is experiencing
an ACH of 0.5 hr-1 due to natural ventilation
How Air Pollutants Move
• By (molecular) diffusion
– Kinetic activity
– Relevant for gases, very fine particles
• By convection
– Pollutants carried by air that moves by temperature
differences (warm air rises…)
– Pollutants carried by air that is mechanically driven, or
• By settling
– Force of gravity pulls airborne particles downward
– Relevant for particles larger than about 1 μm diameter
Volatility and Evaporation
• Some liquid materials (and a few solid ones) are
relatively volatile.
• This means that at about room temperature, these
materials—or some of their constituents—tend to
• During evaporation, molecules escape from a
liquid and become gaseous (vapors).
• Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are
particularly common air contaminants, and many
synthetic materials inside buildings emit them.
Concentrations Can Be Highly Variable
Mass (or Material) Balances
• Consider the RATE of material flow
• Draw a boundary around system
– e.g. a bathroom sink
• In the simplest form:
Input – Output = Accumulation
• More generally:
Input – Output + Generation – Consumption = Accumulation
• Or:
Mass Balance Example
• How many ACH are needed to keep the concentration of
formaldehyde at or below 10 μg/m3 in a 2.5 x 4 x 30 m
room, if there is a constant source of 50 μg/h in the room?
(Assume complete mixing and steady-state.)
• So for I – O + G – C = A:
I = 0 μg/h (assuming clean air coming in)
This is the “volumetric
flow rate” of the system
O = (10 μg/m3)(Volume*ACH) = (10 μg/m3)(300 m3)(ACH)
G = 50 μg/h
C = 0 μg/h (assuming nothing in the room eats formaldehyde!)
A = 0 μg/h (assuming steady state)
• So I – O + G – C = A simplifies to
Mass Balance Example (cont’d)
(10 μg/m3)(300 m3)(ACH) = 50 μg/h
50 g /h
(10 g/m 3 )(300 m3 )
1.7 x 10-2 /h
Air Exchange and Ventilation
• Ventilation: exchange of indoor and outdoor air
• Diagram below is from an IAQ modeling tool.
Values represent airflows between rooms and
between indoors and outdoors.
• Let’s look at a simple mass balance around a
Mass Balance Example
• A room with a volume of 25 m3 contains a source of pollutant
“P” that emits P at 120 micrograms per hour.
• Air flows into this room (from adjacent rooms and/or the
outdoors) at 20 m3 per hour. Air flows out at the same rate.
• The air flowing into the room contains a small amount of P…10
• Assume that the source has been in the room long enough to
bring the concentration of P up to a steady value.
• Assume there are no reactions that destroy P and no surfaces in
the room that adsorb it.
• Run a mass balance, then calculate the concentration of P in the
Mass Balance for a Pollutant
Room volume = 25 m3
20 m3/h
Pin = 10 μg/m3
20 m3/h
Poll. Gen = 120 μg/h
Pout = ? μg/m3
Output = Input + Generation – Consumption – Accumulation
So 20•Pout = 20•Pin + 120 – 0 – 0 = 200 + 120 = 320 μg/h
Therefore, under steady conditions 320 μg/h of P is flowing out of the
The concentration coming out is 320 μg/h ÷ 20 m3/h = 16 μg/m3.
If the air in the room is well-mixed, that is also the concentration in the