Transcript Copyright

Katelyn Hayes
Vikram Murugavel
What is copyright?
• Copyright is a form of protection grounded in
the U.S. Constitution and granted by law for
original works of authorship fixed in a tangible
medium of expression. Copyright covers both
published and unpublished works.
• It exists the moment the work is created
Fair Use
• Fair use allows permits the use of copyrighted
material without first obtaining permission from
the author.
• Four factors
– The purpose and the character of the use, including
whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for
nonprofit educational purposes.
– The nature of the copyrighted work
– The amount and substantially of the portion used in
relation to the copyrighted work as a whole
– The effect of the use upon the potential market for or
value of the copyrighted work.
• When we copyright something, it protects our
work that we spent a long time on.
• Copyright makes sure ideas are original.
• If a copyright license is obtained, it is easier
for a person to find you and ask for the right
to use the work rather than break the law.
Proper Use
• Fair use is usually allows work to be used in
- Non-profit works
-Short clips
-If it just happens to get caught in filming
• Citing is almost always necessary
Proper Use Examples
• In Affluenza, John de Graaf excerpted
television ads in a critique of consumerism.
• This is criticism
• In 5 Girls, Maria Finitzo filmed a teen party
where a copyrighted song played in the
• She employed fair use because the girls chose
for themselves to use that music, and their
choices were part of the reality of their daily
• In the American Experience
documentary "Citizen King,”
Orlando Bagwell used a central portion of Martin
Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, in
which the King estate claims copyright. He
claimed fair use because the section was
historically crucial and the King estate had
refused to license the material to the American
Experience producer, public TV station WGBH.
• This is used in a historical/ biographical way
• Usually copyright infringement cases are taken to
a civil law court, and sometimes even criminal
• Large fines and jail time are consequences for
• On movies there is a warning of a maximum
penalty of up to five years in prison and up to a
$250,000 monetary fine.
• In school you could receive a failing grade on the
assignment, in the class, or even get expelled.
Examples of Breaking the Law
Printing books from online rather than buying them
Putting music in videos
Copying DVD’s
Illegally downloading any work
• George Harrison’s “My Sweet Lord”, which was
a hit song was accused of copyright
infringement and he was sued for it.
• The creator of another song said that Harrison
copied him
• Hundreds of thousands of dollars were owed
• An author copied more than half of an
unpublished manuscript in order to prove that
someone was involved in the overthrow of the
Iranian government
• This was too large of a chunk
• A television station’s news broadcast used 30
seconds from a Charlie Chaplin film to report
about Chaplin’s death
• Since it was part of the “heart” of the film it
was not considered fair use
Works Cited
Copyright in General (FAQ)." U.S. Copyright Office. Web. 8 Aug. 2011.
"Fair Use." U.S. Copyright Office. Web. 8 Aug. 2011.
"Examples of Successful Fair Use in Documentary Film." Center for Social Media.
Web. 8 Aug. 2011. <>.
Stanford Copyright & Fair Use Center. Web. 8 Aug. 2011.
"Copyright and Fair Use - UMUC Library." UMUC - Homepage. Web. 8 Aug. 2011.
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