Transcript Search

Searching the
World Wide Web
“The Computer as an Educational Tool:
Productivity and Problem Solving”
©Richard C. Forcier and Don E. Descy
Why search the Web?
 Types of search tools
 Search strategies
 Conclusions
Why use the Web?
Large amount of information
 Instant access
 Up-to-date
Problems Using the Web
Much information is not
 Only a small percentage
 Difficult to access
 Questionable quality
 Paid search positions
Types of Search Tools
Search engines
 Directories
 Meta-search engines
Search Engines (1)
Index of Web site words
 Spider or robot software gathers
site information.
 Usually not hand checked: May
have dead links
 Keyword and Boolean searches
Search Engines (2)
Examples: Lycos, Excite, Snap,
Alta Vista
 May have option for filtered
“child friendly” search
 Search their database only
Logical arrangement by subject
or category
 Usually with some human help
 Example: Yahoo, Netscape
 Younger students: Yahooligans
 Search their database only
Meta-search Engines
Search other search engines
 Very superficial search (perhaps
10% of desired sites)
 MetaCrawler, DogPile, Ixquick,
Search Strategies: Boolean Logic
Uses: ‘and’ ‘not’ ‘ ( )’ ‘*’
What will the results be for the
following searches?
school science
school and science
school not science
(school science)
Search: school science
Search: school science
Outcome: All sites in database
containing school and science
Search: school and science
Search: school and science
Outcome: All sites in database
containing both school and science
Search: school not science
Search: school not science
Outcome: All sites in database
containing school but not science
Search: (school science)
Search: (school science)
Outcome: All sites in database
containing phrase “school science”
Search: school*
Search: school*
Outcome: All sites in database containing
word starting with “school...”
Other Options
“school” will find all sites in
database containing “school”
“School” will find only sites in
database with initial uppercase
Some use other connectors: & + =
Be Sure to READ the
Search Site
“How to..” Page
Last-Minute Hints
Read the “How to Search”
document on the site
 Use multiple search sites
 Remember that some sites pay
for placement
 Always presearch: Never search
for the first time in a class