Images and Graphics
Transcript Images and Graphics
.NET Web Forms
Images and Graphics
© 2002 by Jerry Post
Graphics Formats
Many graphics formats
75 dpi GIF: 79,160 bytes
Web browsers use two (bitmap)
Uses LZW compression.
Can interleave rows.
Can attach internal copyright.
Giftool.exe, shareware: $10.
Joint photographic experts group.
Can set loss level for high-ratio
JPEG (100): 6,062 bytes
Can set a low quality (JPG) and high
quality image.
Combines best of both.
Best for photos
Image Features
Transparency (GIF and PNG). Select one color as
transparent, and background will show through.
GIF: 999 bytes, interlaced, transparency, 50 x 50 pixels
PNG: 1820 bytes, interlaced, transparency, 50 x 50 pixels
JPG: 5260 bytes, highest resolution, 50 x 50 pixels
Colors and Resolution
Colors will appear differently on every screen. Live with it.
Old browsers and old screens can only display a limited number of
colors (about 250). These colors are known as the Web color-safe
palette, which you should use if you are seriously concerned about
color compatibility.
Always double-check the size of your images. Using too many
colors or too high of a resolution multiplies the image size.
Pay attention to current hardware standards, so you know how to
scale your page and image sizes. A browser size of 800 x 600
pixels is relatively common, unless you are targeting cell phones or
Graphics Utilities
Graphics utilities you need
Screen capture.
Print Screen, free
Drawing package.
Adobe Illustrator, $$$
Photo edit package.
Adobe Photoshop, $$$
Corel, $$$
Microsoft, $
Coordinate mapping tool.
MapThis, free
MapEdit, shareware
Web Graphics: Images
A simple graphics image
<IMG SRC=“myfile.gif”>
<IMG SRC=“myfile.gif
Graphics tools provide size.
If different, browser will
Speed trick: low resolution flip
<IMG SRC=“myfile.gif”
First downloads and displays
low resolution file (fast), then
downloads full graphic.
For faster page building,
include the width and height.
SRC: graphics file name
ALT: (alternate) text to display
ALIGN: bottom, top, middle, . . .
(relationship to text)
HEIGHT: pixels
WIDTH: pixels
BORDER: size of border
LOWSRC: smaller low res file
Whenever possible, set the
Height and Width so the browser
can build the page to the proper
size before the file is fully
Web Graphics: MapThis
Web Graphics: Links
Clickable images require a map (or use ASPX button)
Click on spot within graphic, link to a new page.
Server side (old)
Client side
Easiest to use software: MapThis
Identify spots on image
Map file for server
Locations for client
Both server and client:
<A HREF=“”> <IMG SRC=“myimage.gif”
USEMAP=#map1” ISMAP></A>
<MAP NAME=“map1”>
<AREA SHAPE=“RECT” COORDS=“left,top,right,bottom”
<AREA SHAPE=“CIRCLE” COORDS=“center,center,radius"
Web Graphics Maps
Client map: everything inside the html file.
<MAP NAME="Map1">
<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="218,176,352,279" HREF="PostVita.htm">
<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="1,18,164,162" HREF="Syl343.htm">
<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="167,19,283,166" HREF="Syl345.htm">
<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="288,9,504,166" HREF="Syl440.htm">
<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="9,170,147,294" HREF="MISText.htm">
<A HREF="graphics/">
<IMG SRC="graphics/post0.gif" ALT="Select from list below." BORDER=0
Web Graphics: Backgrounds
Backgrounds used to be common, but
are painful. Sometimes useful in tables
or frames to highlight a section. Use the
style sheet to set the background.
Watch colors.
Light background, dark text.
Dark background, light text.
Avoid backgrounds with mixed light/dark.
Use small files
Save on download time.
They are automatically replicated.
Check for unexpected patterns.
Hand-drawn sample.
Browser automatically
tiles it (without spaces).
Web/beware of copyrights.
CDs/art sources.
Graphics package/draw your own.
Scanner: paper, cloth, . . .
Graphics in .NET (a hint)
Images used for pictures, backgrounds, and buttons are still
created the same way—by hand in a good graphics package.
With .Net, you can drag-and-drop most things onto the page
It is easy to add images, just drop the Image control on the design
page and enter the URL, height, and width.
You can also add buttons with images on them (ImageButton).
Use the style sheet to assign images to list bullets, and backgrounds.
Animation: GIF and Flash
Best advice: avoid animation. Most people gave up on
the dancing bear websites years ago.
Animation of objects on a page is distracting.
Flash does provide better images and smoother
animation. But it is still pointless on most websites.
Those little introductory “movies” are boring and pointless.
If you really want to animate:
(1) Take an art course.
(2) Take a movie-making course (or animation if available).
(3) Get a really good software tool (Adobe or Macromedia).
(4) Spend 100 hours for 2 minutes of animation.
(5) Spend some time and money and get reviews.
Button rollover effects are relatively common today. When the user
moves the mouse over a button, the button appears to animate or
change characteristics. For example, it might be highlighted with a
line, or brighten into a different color.
This effect is achieved in two main steps:
Creating two (sometimes three) versions of the button image.
Create the primary (non highlighted) button first.
Copy it, and make the changes. Be careful that you do not change the
height or width of the image.
Using client-side script to swap the button on rollover and rollout. This
script will be covered later, but several tools will generate it for you
With Visual Studio (and assuming IE browser!), add two attributes
to the image tag: