Genetics and Heredity - Flushing Community Schools

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Chapter 4: Pregnancy
- Genetics and Heredity
What person in your family do you
most closely resemble, both
physically, and in terms of your
personality? What do the two of you
have in common?
• Zygote: the cell that forms when a sperm fertilizes an egg
• Monozygote: Identical Twins (1 egg + 1 sperm) Fertilized
ovum splits into two identical cells – Always the same gender
• Dizygote: Fraternal Twins (2 different eggs + different sperm)
-- The twins will look different, may be the same gender, may
not be.
• Multiple Birth: More than two babies
– May be identical, fraternal, or both
• Conjoined Twins: Ovum splits apart, but the separation is
not complete. Babies are joined at some part(s) of their
Genetics and Heredity
• Genetic factors: The traits passed through the genes
– Traits Include: Eye color, hair color, height, body build,
blood types
• Heredity: Characteristics that a child receives from both
Chromosomes and Genes
Chromosomes-threadlike structures that carry genes in living
• Half (23) come from the mother and half (23)come
from the father
• Each chromosome contains about 20,000 genes
A child’s traits are passed through the parents germ cells
(ovum and sperm) only half will be present in the
child’s traits.
• Dominate Gene: More powerful, Trait actually seen in a person
• Recessive Gene: Weaker Gene. It hides in the background. A recessive gene can
only determine a characteristic when two recessive genes are present.
• Carrier: Has a recessive gene that is not present.
• Sex-Linked: For instance, a mother passes the recessive X gene to her son.
– A color-blind male receives this trait from his mother, but she is usually not
color-blind herself.
Eye Color Possibilities for their Children:
Mother: Brown Eyes (Bb)
Father: Blue Eyes (bb)
Bb: Brown Eyes (B is the Dominate Trait)
bb: Blue Eyes (b is the Recessive Trait)
Baby Boy or Baby Girl ???
• Conception is the union of the Egg and Sperm
• Female Sex Cells (XX) Egg/Ovum
• Male Sex Cells (XY) Sperm
Mom XX
Dad XY
Baby Girl XX
Mom XX
Dad XY
Baby Boy XY
• Gender is determined by the FATHER 
Factors that Contribute to Multiple
Family History
Naturally Increased Hormones
(More than 1 egg released)
Fertility Drugs
Maternal age: Mother’s between the ages of 35 and 40 rates double
Likelihood of Multiple Pregnancies in the U.S.
Twins: Caucasians 1 in 83
Triplets: 1 in every 7,000births
Quadruplets: 1 in every 572,000 births
Quintuplets: 1 in every 47.5 million
Sextuplets: 1 in every 4 billion
Stages in Prenatal Development
• Prenatal Development-development that takes places between conception
and birth
– Three stages:
• Germinal stage-conception through the first two weeks of the
– Cell division occurs
– Egg becomes embedded in the uterine wall
– Amnion (fluid-filled sac)-surrounds the baby to protect it
– Placenta(organ filled with blood)-nourishes the baby and
removes wastes
– Umbilical cord-connects the child to the placenta
Embryonic Stage
Most critical stage
Lasts six weeks (2 weeks through 8 weeks)
Baby is called an embryo.
Arms, legs, fingers, toes, and face develop
Heart, brain, and lungs also develop
No bones yet, but cartilage provides the body structure.
Fetal Stage
9 weeks through 40 weeks
Baby is called a fetus
Able to hear the baby’s heartbeat at a doctor’s visit
Between months 4-5 the mother will feel the baby move(quickening)
The baby can turn, swallow, and suck its thumb.
Age of viability- 7 months or 28 weeks, age at which most babies could
survive if they were born.
Fetal Development
Month by Month
First Month
• By the end of the
first month, the
embryo is about
1/10 of an inch
long. The heart,
which is no larger
than a poppy seed,
has begun beating.
• Mother-Missed
First Month
(four weeks)
Two Months
• The embryo is about
1 inch long and has
distinct, slightly
webbed fingers.
Veins are clearly
visible. The heart
has divided into right
and left chambers.
• Mother-breasts
swell, fatigue,
morning sickness
Two Months
Three Months
• By now the fetus is 2
1/2 to 3 inches long
and is fully formed.
He/She has begun
swallowing and kicking.
All organs and
muscles have formed
and are beginning to
• Mother-breasts ache,
abdomen grows, 2-4lbs
weight gain.
Three Months (12 weeks)
Four Months
• Your baby is
covered with a layer
of thick, downy hair
called lanugo. His
heartbeat can be
heard clearly. This is
when you may feel
your baby's first
• Mother-Size change,
increased appetite.
4 months
Five Months
• A protective coating
called vernix caseosa
begins to form on
baby's skin. By the end
of this month, your baby
will be nearly 8 inches
long and weigh almost
a pound.
• Mother-obvious large
abdomen, 10-12 lbs.
weight gain.
5 months (20 weeks)
Six Months
• Eyebrows and eyelids
are visible. Your baby's
lungs are filled with
amniotic fluid, and he
has started breathing
motions. If you talk or
sing, he can hear you.
• Mother-Fetal movement is
strong. Fetus kicks and
thumps are felt.10-12
pounds weight gain.
6 Months
Seven Months
• By the end of the
seventh month, your
baby weighs about 3
1/2 pounds and is
about 12 inches
long. His body is
Fingernails cover
his fingertips
• Mother-Posture is affected
by increased weight and
7 months (28 Weeks)
Eight Months
• Your baby is gaining
about half a pound per
week, and layers of fat
are piling on. He has
probably turned headdown in preparation for
birth. He weighs
between 4 and 6
Mother-Backaches, leg cramps,
shortness or breath, fatigue.
Fetal kicks are felt. Weight gain
of 18-20 pounds.
Nine Months
• Your baby is a hefty 6
to 9 pounds and
measures between 19
and 22 inches. As he
becomes more
crowded, you may feel
him move around less.
Mother-“Lightening” – the fetus
drops into the pelvis.Easier to
breathe.Usual discomforts of late
pregnancy.Weight gain of 24-30
pounds.Uterus is the size of a small
watermelon.May have false labor.