Transcript Mutation

1. Homework - problem set 5 - due this Friday
2. Reading Ch. 14: Skim btm 391 -top 397.
Skip rest of 397- 403.
Review of Last Lecture
I. tRNA and the genetic code
II. Transcription - prokaryotes
III. Transcription - eukaryotes
Outline of Lecture 25
I. RNA processing in eukaryotes
II. Translation of mRNA into protein - tRNA and ribosomes
III. Three steps of translation
IV. First evidence that proteins are important to heredity
V. One gene- one enzyme hypothesis
I. RNA Processing in Eukaryotes
Introns and Exons
Eukaryotic vs. Prokaryotic Transcription
• In eukaryotes, transcription and translation occur in separate
• In bacteria, mRNA is polycistronic; in eukaryotes, mRNA is usually
– Polycistronic: one mRNA codes for more than one polypeptide
– moncistronic: one mRNA codes for only one polypeptide
• 3 RNA polymerases in euk., 1 in prok.
• Binding of Basal Transcription Factors required for euk. RNA Pol II
• “Processing” of mRNA in eukaryotes, no processing in prokaryotes
II. Structure: Unusual Bases Found in tRNA
Function of Unusual Bases
• Created post-transcriptionally.
• Purpose is sometimes to allow for promiscuous basepairing: Inosine in the 1st “wobble” position of
anticodon can bind to 3rd U, C or A in codon.
• This means that fewer different tRNAs are required.
• Others play a structural role.
tRNA Structure
Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase
Aminoacyl tRNA Synthetases
• Enzymes which bond specific amino acids to
their cognate tRNAs.
• There are 20 different synthetases, one for
each amino acid.
• Covalent linkage through an ester bond
(amino acid activation) requires ATP.
• tRNA linked to amino acid is charged.
Ribosome Structure
S = Svedberg, a measure of sedimentation in centrifuge
Ribosome Binding
Sites: A, P, E
III. Translation has 3 Steps, Each Requiring
Different Supporting Proteins
• Initiation
– Requires Initiation Factors
• Elongation
– Requires Elongation Factors
• Termination
– Requires Termination Factor
Overview of Prokaryotic Translation
1. Binding of initiation
factors to small subunit.
2. Binding of first tRNA and
mRNA to small subunit.
3. Binding of large subunit.
1. Binding of next
tRNA using EFs at
A site.
2. Peptide Bond
formation between 2
amino acids.
3. Translocation of
1. Binding of Release
Factor to Stop Codon
2. Disassembly
EM of Polyribosomes: >1 Ribosome
working on the same mRNA
Rabbit Hemoglobin mRNA
Midgefly Salivary Gland
with Nascent Polypeptide
Note: occurs in cytoplasm.
IV. Inborn Errors of Metabolism Provided
First Evidence that Genes Encode Proteins
Alkaptonuria is an inherited disorder
first described by Garrod (1902) and Willliam Bateson.
– Infants have black urine, darkened ears and nose due
to homogentisic acid deposits.
– Garrod increased the amino acids phenylalanine and
tyrosine in the diet and saw increased deposits in
affected individuals only.
– He concluded that “unit factors control ferments” (genes
control enzymes); results ignored for 30 years.
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
• Autosomal recessive human metabolic disorder, first
described in 1934.
• 1/11,000 live births, results in mental retardation due to
high [Phe] in body fluids.
• Homozygotes cannot convert Phe to Tyr, since enzyme
phenylalanine hydroxylase is lost.
• Treatment: detection in newborns, low Phe diet; prevents
mental retardation
• Thousands of disorders have been found that result from
genetic factors rather than pathogens.
Metabolic Pathways for Phe and Tyr
Other Metabolic Disorders in the Pathway
• Albinism
– Autosomal recessive
– Results from loss of tyrosinase enzyme in skin, which
converts Tyr to DOPA and DOPA to Melanin pigments
– Loss of tyrosinase in brain causes Parkinson’s
Disease (loss of DOPA+ neurons).
• Tyrosinemia
– Results from loss of tyrosine transaminase
V. Beadle and Tatum: One Gene One Enzyme (Polypeptide)
• From mutations in fungus Neurospora
• True in many cases, but there are many exceptions:
– Some proteins have multiple subunits, each a
polypeptide coded by a different gene.
– Some genes code for more than one polypeptide,
through differential splicing out of introns; e.g.
secreted vs. membrane-bound forms of antibody