Signal Attenuation - Department of Information Technologies

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Transcript Signal Attenuation - Department of Information Technologies

GF 2
2012-2013 Spring Term
Dr. Rajfa Musemić
[email protected]
Meet our team !
Dr Sci Rajfa Musemić, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
University of Sarajevo
- Assistant Eldin Sejmen, BSc in Physics
- Physical Engineering degree
(Faculty of Natural Sciences, SA)
- MSc in Applied Mechanics of Continuum
- (Mechanical Engineering Faculty, SA)
- PhD In Applied Physics / Fluid Mechanics
(Mechanical Engineering Faculty Ljubljana, SLO)
- Full Professor at Mathematics and Physics department
(MEF-UNI Sarajevo) since 2010
 General Physics
 Mathematical Methods in Physics
 Physics 1 and Physics 2
 Technical Physics
 Modelling of transport processes
- Turbulence /MSc course/
Applied Physics and Environmental
Solar energy, salt solar ponds
Mathematical modeling of turbulence
Turbulent Double-Diffusive
Taeching team - adresses
Rajfa Musemić – responsible teacher
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Sarajevo, Vilsonovo
setaliste 9
/315 room, tel. + 387 33 72 98 42/
E-mail:[email protected]
Assistant Eldin Sejmen
e-mail: [email protected]
Class Schedule: Mon: 13:00-16:00
Wed : 15:00-17:00 and Thu : 15:00-17:00
Office Hour:Open Door Policy
Course Objectives
Introduce main physical world principles and its
application concepts.
Introduce confidentiality, integrity and availability
Understanding phenomena in matter, electrical, magnetic
and electromagnetic properties, modern physics and
experimental assignments
Develop basic practical and useful knowledge in order to
overcome study of information and general technical
engineering program
Combination of theoretical and practical (mostly
experimental) learning necessary for the understanding
phenomena in the nature at all
1. Jearl Walker : Fundamentals of Physics, HallidayResnick, Willey, 8th Edition
2. D.C. Giancoli: Physics for scientist and engineers,
Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2000
3. Frederick J. Bueche & Eugene Hecht: Theory and
problems of College Physics, Ninth Edition , Schaum’s
outline Series, McGraw-Hill Companies, USA, 2008
4. The other sources from program fields. It is possible to
use all books and Collection of problems on university
Brief Contents
Wave optics – based phenomena:
Interference, diffraction and polarization
Electricity and magnetism: Electrical charge, Conductors and
insulators, Coulomb's law
The Electric Field, Gauss' Law, El Potential and voltage, Work and
El. Current, Ohm's law, Resistance, Resistors (combinations in
circuits), Voltage and Current laws
DC Electric power , Capacitor (combinations) , Capacitance
Magnetic field, magnetic force, Lorentz force
Black body radiation
The foundation of the atomic physics: Photoeffect, Compton' s effect,
Photons, Models of atom, Bohr's model and postulates, the Atomic
spectrum,Quantum numbers, Wave – particle dualism, The
uncertainity relations
The foundation of nuclear physics: Nucleus - mass and binding
Nuclear reactions and Radioactivity
Lasers: How lasers work. Lasers’ Application
Activity at lessons
Home works or lab exp.
Midterm Examination
Final Examination
20 %
22 %
10 %
40 %