World History II - Modern Social Studies Classroom

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World History II
Monday, February 7, 2011
Bellringer 2/2/11
• Do you think that studying History is
important? Back up your answer with at least
two reasons why or why not.
Bellringer 2/3/11
• Turn to page 26 in your textbook, look at the
Trade Routes map and answer questions 1,2.
• Also, list three (3) empires that the trade
routes passed through.
Bellringer 2/4/11
• What would be your reaction if the United
States decided to turn off the internet?
• Is this a possibility in our country?
Bellringer 2/7/11
• In your own words, what was the
• How did it change society?
Bellringer 2/8/11
• Look at your notes from the last week. Write
down two questions from the notes that could
be used for review.
• Also, come up with the answer too.
News, News, News
What was the world like in 1500?
• Pre-Columbian America
• Who was in control?
• Who were the world powers?
1500 Empires of the World
• Central and South America
– Aztec Empire
– Incan Empire
– Mayan Empire
• Africa and Southwest Asia
– Songhai Empire
– Ottoman Empire
1500 Empires of the World
• Europe
– France
– England
– Spain
– Russia
• Asia
– Persia
– China
– Japan
1. Aztec 2. Maya 3. Inca
4. Songhai 5. Ottoman 6. Persian
7. Mughal 8. Chinese 9. Japanese
Important Trade Routes in 1500
Traditional trade patterns linking Europe with Asia
and Africa
• Silk Routes across Asia to the Mediterranean
• Maritime routes across the Indian Ocean
• Trans-Saharan routes across North Africa
• Northern European links with the Black Sea
• Western European sea and river trade
• South China Sea and lands of Southeast Asia
A. trans-Sahara (gold, salt)
B. W’ern Europe Rhine
C. N’ern Europe to Black Sea
(Danube River)
D. Silk Road (spices, silk, porcelain)
E. maritime routes in Indian Ocean
(textiles, spices)
F. South China Sea (spices
Advancements Traded
• Paper, compass, silk,
porcelain (China)
India and the Middle East
• Textiles, numeral
Europe and Asia
• Scientific knowledge—
medicine, astronomy,
World Religions in 1500
• What were the major religions and where
were they located?
• Judaism: Concentrated in Europe and the Middle
• Christianity: Concentrated in Europe
and the Middle East
• Islam: Parts of Asia, Africa, and
southern Europe
• Hinduism: India and part of
Southeast Asia
• Buddhism: East and Southeast Asia
The Renaissance
• What do you know about the Renaissance?
• What were the artistic, literary, and
intellectual ideas of the Renaissance?
Being great at one subject is better than being
above average in many.
A. Agree
B. Disagree
Important Terms
What does the term renaissance mean?
Italian Renaissance
Urban society
The Renaissance
• The Renaissance began
in the Italian city-states
• The Renaissance
witnessed the rise of a
secular viewpoint of
wealth and material
• Time of Recovery
• The Renaissance also
stressed the individual
ability of human beings.
• Leonardo da Vinci
• Renaissance eventually
spread from Italy to
Northern Europe
• A key intellectual
movement of the
Renaissance was
• The humanist
movement led to
changes in education.
• Erasmus is the most
well know humanist.
Renaissance Artists
Due Monday February 7th.