Chapter 3 PowerPoint

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How are organic compounds different
from inorganic compounds?
 Why is water so important to living
Inorganic Compounds – derived from
nonliving things
Organic Compounds – derived from living
things and contain “C” - “H” & “O”
So, what would water (H2O) be??
A source of hydrogen & some
2. A medium for dispersal &
3. Most common solvent
Water’s biological functions stem from its
chemical structure
 In a water molecule the 2 hydrogen
atoms are covalently bonded to the
oxygen atom
 Although electrons are shared, they are
not shared equally
The oxygen atom has 8 protons in its
nucleus to attract electrons
 The hydrogen atom only has one proton
 The nucleus of the oxygen atom more
strongly pulls the shared electrons
 As a result the electrical charge is
unevenly distributed
The 3 atoms in a water molecule are not
arranges in a straight line
 The 2 hydrogen atoms bond with the
oxygen atom at an angle
 The total electrical charge on the
molecule is zero
 But the area where oxygen is located is
slightly negative and the areas where
the 2 hydrogens are located are slightly
Makes water effective at dissolving
many other substances
› Sugars
› Some proteins
› Ionic compounds
**NaCl – ionic compound that dissociates into
Na+ ions and Cl- ions in water.
**Important for essential body functions such
as muscle contraction and the sending of
nerve impulses
Polar water molecules are attracted to
 A hydrogen bond forms between a
slightly positive H atom in one water
molecule and a slightly negative oxygen
atom in another water molecule
 So, water clings to itself and to other
Cohesion – attractive force between
particles of the same kind
Water molecules are cohesive
The hydrogen bonds cause water to
act as if it has a skin on its surface
This is called surface tension
Water appears to bulge from the
sides of objects
Adhesion is the attractive force between
unlike substances
 Capillary Action - Adhesion + Cohesion
allows water molecules to move up
through narrow tubes against the force
of gravity
 You can observe the flow of colored
water up through a stem and into a
 Contain
carbon atoms that are
covalently bonded to other carbon
 Carbon atoms are usually bonded to
other atoms as well – H, O and N
 The chemistry of carbon is the
chemistry of life
Has four electrons in outer shell:
It wants to fill its outer shell with 8
It can form four covalent bonds with itself
or other elements
It can combine in many ways(chains,
branches, and rings)
It can form double or triple bonds
Functional groups – clusters of atoms
attached to the carbon determine the
characteristics of a compound (OH)
Large molecules are built up from smaller
molecules – monomers
 Monomers bond together to form
polymers (larger molecules of repeated,
linked units)
 Large polymers are called
Monomers link together to form polymers
in a chemical reaction called a
condensation reaction or a dehydration
synthesis reaction
 As the monomers link together, a
molecule of water is released
The breakdown of a complex molecule
or polymer occurs through a hydrolysis
 This is the reverse of a condensation
 Water must be added to separate the
Life processes require a constant supply
of energy
 Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) has 3
phosphate groups attached to each
other by covalent bonds
 When bond that holds the last
phosphate group is broken – lots of
energy is given off
 This energy drives the chemical reactions
within each cell
Complete carbon compounds activity
Finish for homework if not completed in
Why is carbon so commonly bonded to
itself and other atoms?
 What type of reaction results in the
formation of polymers?
 What type of reaction breaks down
› Carbohydrates
› Lipids
› Proteins
› Nucleic Acids
Organic compounds of C, H and O
Used as energy sources in cells
Also found in several cellular structures
such as bacterial capsules
They are synthesized from water and
carbon dioxide during photosynthesis
Monosaccharides are the simplest
They are the building blocks for the larger
carbohydrates (polysaccharides)
Glucose, galactose and fructose are
examples of isomers – they have the same
chemical formula C6H12O6
But their structures and properties are
Represents the basic supply of energy in
the world
Half of the world’s carbon exists as
Double sugars – composed of two
monosaccharides held together by covalent
They are made from glucose molecules
through dehydration synthesis – water is
removed as the new bonds are formed
Examples are:
› maltose – found in barley and used to ferment beer
› lactose – found in milk and digested by bacteria to
form yogurt, sour cream
› Sucrose – table sugar and is the starting point in wine
fermentation and may be a cause of tooth decay
Complex sugars
Large compounds formed by joining
together 100’s or 1000’s of glucose
› Starch – used by bacteria as an energy
› Cellulose – a component of the cell walls of
plants and molds and also used as an
energy source by microorganisms
What are the 4 classes of organic
What 3 elements are carbohydrates
made up of?
What carbohydrate is considered a
universal source of energy?
Dissolve in organic solvents, but not in water
Like carbohydrates, they are composed of C,
H, and O, but with much less O
The best known lipids are fats
Fats are important long-term energy sources for
living things
Fats are also components of cell membranes
Fats consist of a 3 carbon glycerol molecule
and up to 3 long-chain fatty acids
2 major types of fatty acids:
› Saturated – contain the maximum number of
H atoms
› Unsaturated – contain less than the
maximum number of H atoms
› Unsaturated fatty acids are good for us –
they lower the levels of cholesterol in the
What are the facts about saturated fat?
If the carbon atoms (C's) in a fat have all the
hydrogen atoms (H's) that they can hold, the fat is
Other types of lipids:
› Waxes – long chains of fatty acids
 Bee’s wax
 Plant leaves
› Phospholipids – contain a phosphate group
 Cell membranes
› Steroids – composed of several rings of carbon
atoms with side chains
 Cholesterol
 Estrogen
 Testosterone
What are fats used for in your body?
 What is the difference between
saturated and unsaturated fats?
Most abundant organic compounds of living things
They can be:
› Structural
› Enzymes – regulate the rate of chemical reactions
They are composed of chains of amino acids
Each amino acid contains
Carbon atom
Amino group (NH2)
Carboxyl group (COOH)
Functional (R) group - what makes the 20 AA’s different
Amino acids are joined together by
peptide bonds
› 2 AA’s – dipeptide
› More than 2 AA’s - polypeptide
The sequence of amino acids is extremely
important because one mistake changes
the protein (mutations)
Protein Structure:
› Primary – AA sequence
› Secondary – AA chain twists into a corkscrew or
sheet pattern
› Tertiary – Protein folds back upon itself
› Quaternary – Multi-unit cluster
Enzyme - protein that acts as a catalyst
 They lower the amount of activation
energy needed for a reaction to occur
 Depends on a physical fit between the
enzyme molecule and its substrate (lock
and key)
 As they link, the enzyme changes shape
and some of the substrate's chemical
bonds are weakened
Insulin – protein that regulates the
metabolism of carbohydrates and fats
 People with diabetes don’t produce
enough insulin
 If we could understand insulin’s structure,
we could make it in the lab as a drug
 Frederick Sanger – broke insulin code;
used chromatography to identify the
kinds and amounts of amino acids
Some of the largest molecules found in
› DNA – genetic material in the chromosomes that
carries the genetic code
› RNA – cell messenger that functions in protein
Composed of nucleotides – 3 parts
› Carbohydrate molecule (ribose or deoxyribose)
› Phosphate group
› Nitrogenous base
 DNA – adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine
 RNA – adenine, guanine, cytosine, uracil
DNA is located in the chromosomes of
the cell
It passes on the genetic information and
directs protein synthesis
DNA molecule consists of 2 single strands
of DNA in opposite directions arranged
in a double helix ladder:
› Sides of ladder – sugar and phosphate
› Rungs of ladder – paired nitrogenous bases
DNA in the nucleus carries the genetic
 DNA gets transcribed into messenger
RNA (mRNA) in the nucleus
 mRNA leaves the nucleus and brings the
code out into the cytoplasm of the cell
 mRNA gets translated into protein with
the help of transfer RNA (tRNA) and