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Proteins are large molecules that are made up of amino acids
there are 20 types of amino acids
Different combinations of amino acids lead to the creation of different
proteins that have a certain functions within our bodies
The body will create the proteins it needs from the code found in our DNA
The shape of the protein is important part of the proteins function in the
body. If a proteins shape is altered and damage it will lose its ability to carry
out its function. The term to describe the change in proteins shape is
the body is constantly breaking down and building different proteins
Amino Acids
All twenty amino acids share the same chemical backbone created from an
amine group and an acid group connected to a central Carbon atom.
what creates the differences in the amino acid is the side chain which is
made up of different atoms in different arrangements
amino acids are joined together through peptide bonds.
9 amino acids are called essential amino acid because our bodies cannot
produce at all or produce in high enough amounts. Therefore we must obtain
them through our diet.
Body Uses for Protein
are used in cell growth, repair and maintenance
o when proteins are broken down the amino acids are reused somewhere else in the body
can act as enzymes and hormones
helps maintain fluid and electrolyte balance
helps maintain a strong immune system
o Antibodies are a type of protein which is used to fight off foreign substance in the body
Proteins serve as an energy source
o there is no form in which proteins are stored in the body for energy. When the body uses
proteins for energy it takes them from the bloodstream or body tissue.
o In a healthy person proteins provide very little to the energy needs,
The human body can not store excess protein.
○ the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for a sedentary person is 0.8 grams/kg of
body weight per day.