10 tips to avoid Alzheimer Disease
Transcript 10 tips to avoid Alzheimer Disease
10 tips to avoid Alzheimer’s
Dr. Michael Mullan
President of Roskamp Institute
Sarasota, FL
Our risk for Alzheimer’s Disease
• Demographically the world population is aging
- particularly quickly in advanced societies
• Risk for the disease is impacted by genetics
but also by many lifestyle choices
• Despite genetic predisposition risk for the
disease can be altered by modifying lifestyle
1. Stay physically active
• Direct relationship between physical activity
and protection against Alzheimer’s disease
• Open questions:
– How much activity is required?
– How long ?
– What type of activity?
2. Eat well
• Diets which resemble the “Mediterranean Diet” lower
the risk for Alzheimer’s disease
• Mediterranean diet consists of :
– high amounts of vegetables, fruits, legumes and cereals
– low intake of saturated fats and relatively high intake of
olive oil
– moderate fish intake
– low to moderate intake of dairy products
– low consumption of meat
– low to moderate consumption of wine
• This diet is also associated with other health benefits
such as cardiovascular health
3. Mental Exercise
- Use it or Lose it
• Educational status protects against onset of
Alzheimer’s disease
– Cognitive stimulation in mouse models of
Alzheimer’s reduces Alzheimer pathology
• How much should we do? What should we
– Games vs. hard learning
– Integration of different brain areas and different
4. Manage medical risk factors aggressively
• Common disorders increase our risk for
Alzheimer’s disease
– Diabetes, heart disease, hypertension
• This risk is independent of risk for
cerebrovascular dementia
• What can we do?
– Tight monitoring of blood sugar levels in diabetics,
blood pressure in hypertensives, arrhythmia in those
with rhythm abnormalities and maintain a healthy
5. Sleep well
• Sleep deprivation is associated with errors of
judgment, inattention and memory problems
• Brain organizes information overnight and
consolidates memories
– Poor sleep patterns stop consolidation and
increase inattention
6. Drink well
• J-shaped relationship between alcohol risk for
• Abstainers at higher risk than drinkers
• Excess drinking increases risk
• Modest consumption is protective
• Red wine better than other alcohol
? Polyphenols
7. Supplements and Vitamins
• Vitamin B12 and Folate deficiency is associated with
memory loss and risk for Alzheimer’s disease
• Other vitamins not shown to reduce risk when
• Take away message – Don’t be deficient by excess
vitamins > not preventative
• Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation
– Still being tested > ratio of Omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids
– Most diets deficient in Omega-3
• Other supplements seem protective (Curcumin)
• But others don’t (Ginkgo Biloba)
8. Don’t smoke
• Data is contradictory, but overall smoking
increases the risk for Alzheimer’s disease and
other dementias
• Nicotine itself might be helpful when not
taken by cigarette
• Cerebrovascular disease caused by smoking
interacts extremely negative with Alzheimer
9. Don’t hit your head
• Traumatic brain injury increases risk for
Alzheimer’s disease
• Multiple repeat injuries worse than single
large blows in general
• Wear protective head gear
• Increase balance and strength in the elderly
Head injuries due to falls major cause of
increased risk
10. Putting it all together
• Not one activity but many
• Small changes in several aspects of lifestyle
probably better than huge changes in one
• Sustainable lifestyle better than short-lived
• Enjoy the new regimen!
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