Transcript Recruitment

March 31, 2010
Selection - the practices and activities carried
on by the organization with the primary
purpose of choosing which employees to
Selection is the second step to gaining a
human capital advantage
Selection practices should match the strategy
of the organization
High human capital needs-Select on talent
(IQ, special skills, etc.)
Low human capital needs-Select on integrity
Technical KSA’s
 Ability
 Communication
 Interpersonal Skills
Work Habits
 Conscientiousness
 Motivation
 Initiative
Absence of Dysfunctional Behavior
 Criminal Record
 Drug Testing
Person-Job Fit
 Fit with Culture
 Fit with the tasks of the job
Criterion Strategy
 Concurrent Validity
 Predictive Validity
Validity Generalization Strategy
Adverse Impact
 Protected groups
 4/5 Rule
 Test Bias
4/5 Rule
 Calculate selection rates
 Selection rates for group with lowest rate must be
4/5 of rate for group with highest rate
 XYZ Corp has the following selection rates
Asian-American 17/51
White, non-Hispanic 14/43
African American 8/32
Hispanic 6/30
 Is XYZ in violation of the 4/5 rule?
This doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re in
violation of the law
-BUTThe onus of proof is now moved from the
member of the protected class to the
The organization must prove it is not