astho - West Virginia Department of Education
Transcript astho - West Virginia Department of Education
Cross System Planning & Action
Reaps Statewide Benefits
Welcome and Introductions
The Session Goal is to Showcase:
• collaborative efforts…
• the power of partnerships…
• and the community spirit at work!
Getting Started
Acknowledgement that substance misuse and abuse is
not only a problem but an epidemic in WV
That the epidemic is gaining momentum fast and
requires rapid and impactful action and intervention
Understanding and analyzing current available data
Identifying key partners and potential collaborations
Designing a strategy for comprehensively assessing
prevalence, gaps and need across the SA continuum
Assembly of an internal experienced and knowledgeable
Team and recruitment of other experts needed to guide
and implement the planning process
Reorganization and Integration
• Reorganization and integration of the former
Offices of Behavioral Health Services (OBHS) and
Health Facilities (OHF)
• Emphasizing function rather than disability and
improving planning and collaboration between
facility and community-based services
• Established the Office of Consumer Affairs and
Community Outreach to promote increased
consumer and family involvement in behavioral
health service planning and delivery
Making Data Informed Decisions
• WV State Epidemiological Outcomes Work
Group-22 State Agencies/ Organizations
WV Behavioral Health Profiles 2011, 2012
Regional & Community Profiles
Program Snapshots
State-Wide Multi-Domain Youth Survey
Work Force Capacity Assessment
• Comprehensive Needs Assessment & Planning
Process (Community Voice)
– State, Regional, Key Leaders
• Regional Data & Planning Teams
Process of Discovery
• Assessment of WV Behavioral Health Services
• SA, MH & IDD----Federal/External Technical Assistance
State Agency Partners and Provider/Associations and Key Leaders
Regional forums
Regional focus groups with key informants
Qualitative and Quantitative data informed Needs/Gaps identification
• State Level Planning
– Goals/Strategies Development
– Implementation Responsibility
Common Priorities
Executive Leadership
Executive Order 5-11 signed by Governor
Tomblin on September 6, 2011
Created six Regional Taskforces
Created the Governor’s Substance Abuse
Advisory Council (GACSA)
Called for action to implement the Statewide
Substance Abuse Strategic Action Plan
Appointed DHHR to coordinate and facilitate
requirements set forth in the E.O.
Leadership and Substance Abuse Plan
• RTF’s
• Partnerships
Executive Charge -GACSA
To provide guidance regarding implementation of the
approved Statewide Substance Abuse Strategic Action Plan
for the improvement of the statewide substance abuse
continuum of care
Identify Recommend priorities for the improvement of the
substance abuse continuum of care
Receive input from local communities throughout West
Provide recommendations to the Governor regarding
improvements to:
– Enhancing substance abuse education
– Enhancing opportunities to collect and utilize data
including data sharing
– Policy and legislative action
Executive Charge RTF’s
Purpose as set forth is to provide
the Advisory Council with
• for additional support for substance
abuse services, programs,
realignment or additional funding
• advocate for legislative action;
• and recommend initiatives to
support the overarching goals in SA
Plan Action Plan
Regional Task Force Meetings
Receiving Support from All Levels
Regional/ SubState Providers
Governor &
DHHR Secretary
WV Partnering Agencies
Bordering State Partners
SA Strategic Plan Updates
Prevention is critical at all levels from children to high school
and college youth
• Provided $1.8 M to 6 Regional Prevention Grantees to build
effective coalitions and support prevention services in 55
Counties to provide evidence based programs and practices
to decrease Prescription Drug Abuse, Drug Exposed
Pregnancies and other regionally identified problems.
• Partnered with SAMHSA and CADCA to provide match
funding for 3 VETCORPS positions working in coordination
with prevention organizations to provide outreach to
Service Members, Veterans and Families in Region 2, 5 & 6.
• Interstate Prescription Drug Alliance-OH, TN, KY
SA Plan Updates…
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to
Treatment (SBIRT) is a critical service and must be
reimbursed by Medicaid and insurance payers
• Expanded Screening, Brief Intervention and
Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) services to over 55
active sites serving 96,762 individuals during
2011 and 2012 (Regional Jails, Education,
• Partner and provide funding to support WV Teen
and Juvenile Drug Courts (EI Model)
SA Plan Updates
$7.5M New State funding to support infrastructure and
substance abuse services development statewide
Public Inebriate
AFA Adolescent
Intensive Out-Patient
Detox/Crisis Stabilization
Short Term Residential
Long Term Residential
Non-Treatment Recovery Homes/Facilities AFA
Peer /Recovery Supports
SA Plan Updates…
Focus on recovery, such as recovery coaches, drop-in recovery
centers, a non-treatment youth recovery home
• Provide funding to support 9 non-treatment recovery
homes,11 Oxford Houses and 1 Recovery Facility
• Participated in National Peer Support Specialist Training
preparing for Statewide implementation of Peer Support
Specialists/Recovery Coaches
• Entered into a 3-year public/private partnership with the
Bureau for Maternal Child and Family Health, WV
Community Voices (WV Perinatal Partnership) and
Benedum Foundation to support OBGYN
practices/hospitals in providing early intervention and
recovery supports to pregnant women to decrease the
number of drug exposed babies
SA Plan Updates…
Focus on Workforce training and certification specific to
addictions and recovery training and certification
specific to addictions and recovery
• Provided Conference Support for the WV Council on
Suicide Prevention, WV Association of Alcohol and
Drug Abuse Counselors, WV SADD Conference: School
and Community Based Youth Initiative, Expanded
School Based Mental Health and WV Families
• Developed 20 awareness and educational
presentations for professionals and communities
training organizations/agencies
SA Plan Updates…
Education and training in all health professions are
essential to stopping the supply and demand
problems with substance abuse in West Virginia
• Provided “Physician Engagement in SA Initiatives”
training in all regions
• Partnering with physicians and associations to
offer Statewide Physicians Conference September
• Partnered and provided funding for North
Western Regional Health Education Center to
provide substance abuse training for Medical
Residents and Youth Stipends
SA Plan Updates…
Improvements to the Statewide Prescription
Monitoring Program, such as inclusion of methadone
clinics and Veterans Administration (VA) hospitals in
the program
• SB437
• SAMHSA Grant-EHR Connected to PDMP
• Opioid Treatment Centers (Rule)
SB437-Education & Regulation
– Decreases prescription reporting time in the
Controlled Substances Database from 7 days to 24
– Establishes an advisory council to recommend
enhancements to the prescription database and
advise on the feasibility of real-time reporting
– Creates a review committee to flag irregular
prescribing patterns by physicians and abnormal
usage by patients
– Codifies new licensing regulations to protect
legitimate pain clinics and make sure those with real
chronic pain can find treatment
SB437-Education & Regulation
– Requires penalties for operating a chronic pain clinic
without a license
– Tightens requirements for dispensing controlled
substances from doctor offices
– Requires “best practice” prescribing education for health
care professionals as well as education in anti-drug
– Tightens reporting requirements for methadone treatment
centers and requires random, monthly drug test for
– Defines the existence of a valid practitioner-patient
relationship prior to dispensation of prescriptions
– Implements a real-time, stop-sale tracking system for
pseudoephedrine purchases to block the sale of excess
product when attempted
Seeing the Successes
60 Regional Substance Abuse Taskforce
meetings held (10 in all 6 regions) with more
than 3000 people in attendance
Regional recommendations from all Taskforces
to the GACSA to the Governor regarding
system needs and recommended
improvements (Policy & Program)
GACSA Recommendations
• Prevention is critical at all
levels from children to high
school and college youth
• Education and training in all
health professions are
essential to stopping the
supply and demand
problems with substance
abuse in West Virginia
• Screening, Brief
Intervention, and Referral to
Treatment (SBIRT) is a
critical service and must be
reimbursed by Medicaid
and insurance payers
• Focus on recovery and
community supports
Governors Comprehensive Substance Abuse Bill
initiated and passed (SB 437)
Required Health Education & Regulation
Other Legislation: Workforce and Drug Testing
$7.5M New State funding to support infrastructure
and substance abuse services development statewide
GACSA recommendations for allocation of funding
prepared for Governor’s consideration (SBIRT,
Treatment, Recovery Coaches)
Significant grassroots efforts completed by Taskforce
members statewide
Renewed hope that a difference is being made
Partner Accomplishments
– Public /Private Partnership between State Agencies,
WV Perinatal Partnership and Benedum Foundation
(3-Year Moms and Babies Recovery Project)
– State Police-FDA/Synar/Distracted Driving
– Physician /Education Engagement
– Coordination of School and Community Based
Prevention Services (Public Health, BBHHF, Education)
– Single State Multi-Domain School Survey
– SBIRT Expansion in Schools, Hospitals & Regional Jails
– Recovery to Work
• WVPH & WV Restore
• Peer/Recovery Support Initiatives
What We Have Learned
System-wide assessment involving multiple partners is key
– take your time and be patient
Establishing and sustaining relationships with partners
statewide is critical
Top down – bottom up approach is central to WV’s success
Data informed decision making must guide process
Funding is one part of success – grassroots efforts and
collaborations are impactful and cost effective
Be flexible and develop strategies that are flexible
Track successes so that all levels must SEE THEMSELVES in
the successes
Keep the end always in focus – peoples lives depend on it
Kathy Paxton, Director
WV Division on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
[email protected]